Text as a report Output Format?

I have a BAQ report that needs to be saved to a txt file. The PDF renders as:

I thought I could just use Acrobat’s “Save As Text”, but that is introducing unacceptable line breaks into the created text file. And it adds a FF (form feed) ASCII Control character.

The spaces added seem to only happen when the subreport line appears (line 44 in the image above is from a sub report).

Any way to have add the option of TXT to the list of Output Formats (EMF, Excel, Excel Data Only, PDF, etc…)?


Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

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The BAQ Report does a whole lot of massaging to get the raw data from the BAQ, to the format I need.

It’s not just adding Pipes as the separating character. Some of the data from the BAQ is summarized, while other data is outright translated. I don’t think I could construct a single BAQ that would result in the right data output.

If you’re on 10 you should be able to. Otherwise use an SQL View and an External BAQ then export it that way so you get the dashboard and export

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

If you are on E10 with the new capabilities - you should be able to get the results you want with a BAQ export.
Key with working with the Export is setup a process set first to save the export to, so you don’t have to recreate several times.

The other tool is using the executive query (mainly for E9) but could also be used for E10.

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Try Export to Excel and then from Excel do a save-as PRN or Unformatted text.

I use this “trick” when trying to create text files for PositivePay and DirectDeposit.



I have been working just recently with EDI Outputs - check out the capability of doing Sales Order Acknowledgements, PackSlips, and Invoices

Change the Style Type to Outbound EDI, select an output location and the text option.

This will give you a “~” delimited text file. (or XML if you choose).

I created a new style (same RDD), and set the fields as follows:

But when I run it, It creates an XML file

<server>\EpicorData\Reports\MANAGER\BAQ Report71302.xml

But no text file. (searched my local machine and the App Server)

And how do you you use the PrintProgramOptions in an SSRS based report ?

And just to be clear, I’m looking for a text version of the formatted report. Not a text version of the data that is sent to the report.

Update …
Looks like Outbound EDI is only supported for AR Invoices, POs, and Shipping Notices.

My data is from a BAQ.

If do want just the data and the data is in a BAQ, a dashboard is the best way to get to Excel. If it’s a standard Epicor report, in E10 we choose CSV. It give you a “denormalized” view of the data (summary fields appear on each row) but each detail line appears only once. The one gotcha with this method is that occasionally a non-breaking space will be found on the end of a number and prevents it from being used as a number in calculations. The solution for this is to do a quick find and replace. The secret is to do a regular find/replace but in the From: field, hold down the Alt, type 160, then release. Leave the To: field blank. Replace All.

Mark W.

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The report is formatted for uploading to another system.

But the format requires some things that can only be done with a report processor (Like CR or SSRS). Or at least not very easily done in a BAQ.


The output is of AR Invoice info. But instead of being just rows of data (like a BAQ Export would make), there are “groups”.

  • First there is a header line (“H”) that tells how many invoices, invoice date, total of invoices, etc…
  • Then a group for each invoice (“I”), consisting of a group header (group being the invoice num), followed by invoice details (“D”)

Some complex conditions exist to determine if a “D” line is type “J” or type “G” (as required by the system it is uploaded to).

I think this is something that you might be able to do in the 10.1.600 Compliance Engine, which is made to create files for other (regulatory) systems. You can link BAQs to other BAQs apparently and with calculated fields, maybe you’ll be able to determine the line types. Doesn’t help you today though…

Mark W.


But not hanging my hat on “vaporware” :wink:

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Hi Calvin

I know this is a VERY old thread, but wondering if you managed to get a solution to this? having the same issue where I want a BAQ report to print as a txt file that is a list for a batch file to run and grab attachments. I can print to a word document, then save that as a txt file, and then run the batch file but was hoping to eliminate the word document step…

You could use the Report Type of Bartender Labels as that allows you to specify an Output Location on your network. I’m just not sure if you have to own BarTender to do that or not. I use it to drop text files on the server for BarTender to pick up and print.

I never did find a way to have the output of an SSRS report as text document.

Been several years going now, and the user continues to run it as a PDF, does a select all, Copies the contents, then makes a new TXT file and pastes them in. It’s just once a day so it is tolerable.

Doesn’t see like the right tool… There are other ways to get text documents out of Epicor…

I could have used custom code in a BPM to create the text file. But then I’d be replicating the functionality of the BAQ and SSRS - which is the bulk of the work.

And making a system with as little custom code as possible is always easier to maintain. It was just the very last step that SSRS does - the rendering for the output format - that I needed something special.

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Agreed. This is where I would start - the BAQ. Designing BAQs and adding security is easier here than an RDD. Once created, you can use the BAQ Export Utility, a BPM, an Epicor Function, etc.

I just think the SSRS route was just not designed to do text files well, that’s all.

Completely agree. Rendering that last step, is after all, more custom code. :wink: