Switching from Net.Tcp to Https Endpoint Binding PDT not working

And how about the sysconfig on the client?

looks the same as the application server url

Hmm, in both of those nodes I specified? Sometimes even a letter difference (Http(s))can break the whole thingā€¦

Also going to want to make sure you have a valid or trusted (internal CA, etc.) cert if using HTTPS. Will need to set that up in IIS.

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<HomePageUrl are a little different, but it is to be expected, the address are the same but it veers off to /apps/erp/home

I believe I do, let me check again

when I hit retry on attempting to reconnect to the server after logging in I get this, I guess it is the cert right?


so, do I bind the certificate to the site, because there is one in there?

I deleted the reply, because I deleted the binding and reset iis, and am back at attempting to reconnect to the server,ā€¦ i am so lost.

Oh boy, sorry man. I know this stuff can be super frustrating. Happy to jump on a teams call with you if you want, just DM me

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Thanks Aaron for logging in and walking me through a few things. Sadly as we saw, no matter what, we cannot get Https EndPoint Binding\HttpsBinaryUsernameChannel or HttpsBinaryWindowsChannel to work, all sorts of odd error messages.

Reverting back to Net Tcp Endpoint Binding\UsernameWindowsChannel worksā€¦ but being that it is being deprecated, I donā€™t feel like we should stay on it.

Last error is about certificate not trusted.
You have to use either certificate, issued by some known certificate authority or learn how to establsih trust for the self-signed certificate.
It is essential when switching to https.


Yes. You bind it to the site in IIS. Make sure the cert thatā€™s selected is either a valid CA cert or is trusted if using a self-signed or internal CA.


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Thank you Olga, so I have the certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authority, are you saying there is more I should do?

We do have that portion

It would need to be on every machine thatā€™s going to access the app. You can push it out with a GPO. We use a signed CA wildcard so we donā€™t have to add anything since itā€™s already in the Windows trusted root store.

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ahhhh, hmmm, OK, let me try that

here I wrote how they are checked


Is it a self signed or CA cert?

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Self signed