Strange errors

I am not sure what has caused this. We did just installed 10.2.300.8 but only applied it to our TEST app server. The others are still running 10.2.300.5. I have never had issues before but I can only think these 2 versions are causing my issue.

I noticed it first when I went in Production and tried to access company config and got the following errors. It will eventually open but with a not data. (I get the same error when I open PO Entry)

I checked the server and my Company is set up on the server.

I did open a ticket with Epicor…Right now I am the only one with this issue.

Does anyone have ideas to what is going on before I remove it and reinstall.


Has there been a regen and recycle?

the IIS? Yes on Training. I can do it again. I could do the Prod no one will notice much.

I just recycled the IIS app pool on training and still same issue.

The Error means your Client and Server versions do not match. Make sure your Client is updated.

2nd possible reason is if you used Industry Extensions and you migrated to 10.2, you have to change to the base Company Form, or get rid of Server Side CSG (IEX) dlls.

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Have you tried re-installing the Client using the new Patch level \Updates\ERP10.2.300.8\ClientDeployment\ClientInstaller\E10Client executable?

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Most people use the same client but different .sysconfig files – I always use a diff directory PER Version. Auto-Update should kick in unless you have /SKIP set on your shortcut. Also if you went from 10.1 to 10.2 then Auto-Update will NOT kick-in and you have to Manually Reinstall Client.

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Yes it did an auto update and I have config files for each environment. I just went from 10.2.300.5 to .8 I just have one environment on .8 because we have to test it before release to everyone. I am guessing this is what messed me up. I have done this before and never had issues other than the annoyance of updating each time I launch the other version.

It may have not updated properly, go to your config on your client change it to version .81 and itll auto-update again.

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Where do I need to do this? I opened my E10Train.sysconfig file…but value do I need to update.


Do you get this everywhere or on just one computer?

If you are only experiencing this on one computer, then what happens if a network user who has never logged into this computer before logs on and then tries to launch Epicor?

It is only my PC. I can log on someone elses without the errors.

Once you save and re-run Client it should re-trigger Auto-Update.

and @hkeric.wci

I think I found my huge error. I am guessing that once everyone goes to .8 it will cause the same issues.

Ok so here is what I did that BROKE it for me. I am not sure how I am going to fix it but will try.

So little to my knowledge…I am sure some are going to face palm on this one…I installed 10.2.300.8. I figured we don’t need all those other update installs on the server…(I know…:roll_eyes:)

So i removed 10.2.300.2 and a few others. Well you can’t do that…
When I look at the config file the version value is set to 10.2.300.2 (I removed 10.2.300.2)…

So I changed the value to 10.2.300.5 (the version that environment is on)…it updated and everything worked fine. (but the sysconfig still reads 10.2.300.2…:thinking:)

My production is working fine now too…why I have no idea…

So confused…I was going to add the 10.2.300.2 install back on the Server to see if it fixes it. If it doesn’t that means I have to redeploy to all users.


thats always been that way mine is:


I did get an auto update…

Don’t beat yourself up, seems like I’ve done something similar and have had to go into the config files and point them to a different “dot” release patch.

But if it is working fine on another system and your PC is the only problem that leads me to believe it is still a Client install issue on your local machine. I would uninstall the client on your system and re-install it from scratch (maybe don’t even rely on the Auto-update and either install it manually or copy the files over manually) and see what happens…

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I really think it was something with me removing the Updates on the server…no more 10.2.300.2…now I am second guessing myself. I have 2 servers one has 10.2.300.2 installed and the other does not…I can’t imagine I would remove it on Prod server and not the other…SIGH

Well, I am going try to break it on a test laptop and see what happens.

I am just worried once I move everyone to 10.2.300.8 it will be a nightmare and people will be getting errors.

Did you start with 10.2.300.0? We went live with 10.2.300.5 so I don’t know why my versions say 10.2.300.2.