SSRS Rounding

Trying to create a 50%/50% payment schedule in a report. The issue is when the number doesn’t split clean in half. For example, if I have $1800.01, I want to show first half $900.00 and second half $900.01. SSRS seems to want to lose the extra penny and give me $900.00 twice.

Formulas for my two halves:

=Floor((Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2.00) * 100.00) / 100.00
=Ceiling((Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2.00) * 100.00) / 100.00


Google doesn’t seem to be helping. Any ideas?

First half to the nearest cent

=Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2 * 100) / 100


Second half

=Fields!Subtotal.Value - Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2 * 100) / 100


Including any pennies.:slight_smile:

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me right now

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Ok wait it actually made no changes I still get the same thing

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Try this combined formula

=IIF((Fields!Subtotal.Value - Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value)) >= 0.01,
    Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2 * 100) / 100,
    Ceiling(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2 * 100) / 100

Try with the decimal places…

Second Half
=Fields!Subtotal.Value - Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2.00 * 100.00) / 100.00
First Half
=Floor(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2.00 * 100.00) / 100.00

No change with either…

Are you sure you have the decimal places set on the textbox props…

I have them set to number rather than currency because the currency symbol might change, so that is added on separately.

Let’s try it as a function…

Public Function SplitValue(ByVal value As Decimal, ByVal isFirstHalf As Boolean) As Decimal
    Dim halfValue As Decimal = value / 2
    Dim roundedHalf As Decimal = Math.Round(halfValue, 2)

    If isFirstHalf Then
        Return roundedHalf
        Return value - roundedHalf
    End If
End Function

First half

=Code.SplitValue(Fields!Subtotal.Value, True)

Second half

=Code.SplitValue(Fields!Subtotal.Value, False)

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SSRS just hates us

That’s using code? Nah fuck off… I’m out!

Stand by… asking ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has spoken…

I understand that you need to perform this splitting within the SSRS report itself. Given the complexities of SSRS rounding behavior, achieving this within the report can be challenging. However, I can suggest another approach that might work for your specific case.

You can use a combination of custom code and calculated fields to split the values while avoiding rounding issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Custom Code:
  • Go to the “Report” menu and select “Report Properties.”
  • In the “Code” tab, enter the following VB.NET code:

vbnetCopy code

Public Function SplitValue(ByVal value As Decimal, ByVal isFirstHalf As Boolean) As Decimal
    Dim splitValue As Decimal
    If isFirstHalf Then
        splitValue = Math.Truncate(value * 100) / 100
        splitValue = Math.Ceiling(value * 100) / 100
    End If
    Return splitValue
End Function
  1. Calculated Fields:
  • In your dataset, create two calculated fields, one for the first half and another for the second half, using expressions like these:First half:

csharpCopy code

=Code.SplitValue(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2, True)

Second half:

csharpCopy code

=Code.SplitValue(Fields!Subtotal.Value / 2, False)
  1. Display Values:
  • In your report, use these calculated fields for displaying the values.

This approach uses custom code to perform the splitting without rounding issues by explicitly truncating or ceiling the values as needed. It should ensure that you get the desired results even when the value doesn’t split evenly. Please ensure that you’ve correctly set the number formatting for these calculated fields to display two decimal places.

Tell ChatGPT it has the following error and see what it comes back with. It is an easy fix, just curious what it says:

There is an error on line 27 of custom code: [BC30290] Local variable cannot have the same name as the function containing it.

Ok it still doesn’t work.

Not sure why I didn’t think of this sooner but I think I just brute force it. If Subtotal is Odd then add a penny to one of the halves.

The error message “Local variable cannot have the same name as the function containing it” indicates that you have defined a local variable within your custom code with the same name as the custom function itself. This is a syntax error in VB.NET.

To fix this error, you should rename the local variable in your custom code so that it doesn’t have the same name as the function. Here’s the corrected code:

vbnetCopy code

Public Function SplitValue(ByVal value As Decimal, ByVal isFirstHalf As Boolean) As Decimal
    Dim splitResult As Decimal
    If isFirstHalf Then
        splitResult = Math.Truncate(value * 100) / 100
        splitResult = Math.Ceiling(value * 100) / 100
    End If
    Return splitResult
End Function

In this corrected code, I’ve changed the local variable name from splitValue to splitResult to avoid the error. After making this change, the code should work without any issues.