Ok, I'm not Epicor's biggest fan right now, due to this issue and others, but I have to say that the "fixed in E9 only" thing is only the first step. As with anything to do with Epicor, if you push back, and can show them that it's a real issue (costing time, productivity, etc), they do respond, even if not how you would like. I had a COW (moooo) when I heard that answer the 3rd time, and escalated the calls that were my particular issues. They came back with a kind of bleah BPM to help the PO price flipping around when we change a release date, but it will help until we go to 9, and are giving more attention to the other calls. (Gave me one for setting PO plant to logged plant, too, while they were at it.)
Epicor attention is all about pain level. If you are in enough pain to push back, they do listen. If it's not important enough to you to push back, it's not going to be important to them, either. And the poor guys on the front line of support are not able to decide this stuff- you have to escalate.
Not to excuse the method- I'm still mooo-ing, make no mistake. However, they are at least making motions toward retro-fitting a coouple of things that started as "fixed in E9 only."
- leAnn
Epicor attention is all about pain level. If you are in enough pain to push back, they do listen. If it's not important enough to you to push back, it's not going to be important to them, either. And the poor guys on the front line of support are not able to decide this stuff- you have to escalate.
Not to excuse the method- I'm still mooo-ing, make no mistake. However, they are at least making motions toward retro-fitting a coouple of things that started as "fixed in E9 only."
- leAnn
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Scott Litzau" <scott.litzau@...> wrote:
> We almost did not renew maintenance with them this year. Decided to at the
> last minute because I had not been able to fully research third party
> support companies for Vantage. Running V8.803.405B. What am I getting for
> maintenance, not much. A third party support company cost less and I have a
> feeling I would get better support from them.
> Hearing this "Lately all I hear from the techs is that it has been fixed in
> Epicor 9 and it will not be fixed in your version." Is a bunch of bullshit.
> You pay for support to FIX THE PROBLEM ON THE VERSION YOU ARE USING. And if
> that is the way Epicor wants to approach this then I for one, and it sounds
> like many of us, are going to stop paying for support since it is painfully
> obvious we are not getting the support we are paying for.
> Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
> Snake
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 11:08 AM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Skipping Maintenance Renewal
> I feel the need to respond to Gary's e-mail. I don't know about the rest of
> you, but we are not ready to go to Epicor 9 yet. I have argued that
> response about fixing items in Epcior 9 and not Vantage 8. I guess it
> depends on the difficulty of the fix, because I have had one item fixed in
> Vantage 8 and one not fixed in Vantage 8.
> What I am saying is we should not accept their response to make all the
> fixes in Epicor 9. If they stop supporting Vantage 8, specifically fixes,
> then how do we justify paying maintenance for Vantage 8?
> Thank you,
> Stephen Schaefer
> Abrams Airborne
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Gary Wojtowicz" <ajrgary@> wrote:
> >
> > This thread has been an interesting read. I wouldn't mind the cost of
> maintenance if Epicor would fix the problems in their software in the
> Version that you are
> > running. Isn't that what you are paying maintenance for? Lately all I hear
> from the techs is that it has been fixed in Epicor 9 and it will not be
> fixed in your version. I am running 8,03.408b, one level behind Epicor 9.
> > On the subject of cancelling and then coming back at a later time when
> times are better. I have been using Epicors Classic since 85 and they
> stopped supporting it wanting everyone to upgrade to Vantage or Vista. It
> was expensive at that time also. since they weren't going to support it with
> upgrades I did cancel my support. the only thing we had to do was pay them
> for W2 updates, a one time charge. After many years of the sales force
> trying to get me to upgrade I did. There were no additional charges tacked
> on because I stopped maintenance on Classic. I think they were happy to get
> the sale before the end of the year. I was off Classic maintenance for at
> least 10 years, they still had all my history so I don't think I was treated
> as a new customer. But upgrading at the end of the year did save some cash.
> >
> > Gary Wojtowicz
> > AJR Industries, Inc.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> ------------------------------------
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