Hi, I have a CSV file from our WMS system (seperate to Epicor). The 3 columns it contains are MtlQueueSeq, To Bin and Quantity.
Id like to schedule a function to read the CSV files in a directory every 5 minutes, update the To Bin in the MtlQueue table and then process the record with the Quantity leaving any outstanding qty in situ without user interaction.
To give context im attempting to integrate Modula Lifters with EpicorERP ensuing ‘complete’ automation. (At least thats the task ive been given).
Hopefully someone can help out as i can export a CSV file from a BAQ in a Function but importing, i do not know where to start.
If you’re a cloud developer and afraid of file systems like me, you could also write an Epicor Function that updates the ToBin in the MtlQueue and processes the record. Now create a PowerShell that reads the CSV after the export and does a POST to your Efx using Invoke-RESTMethod. It removes the dependency on the File system and removes all of those messy details from your Kinetic server code.
I think i found it under ERP.BO.IssueReturn.SVC and custom method PerformMaterialMovement.
I need to load the mtlqueue data into the function so i can build the Issue Returns dataset in order to move the mtl queue record. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
I will use Powershell to read the CSV and call the Epicor Function but i decided to have a go using the widgets for the updating.
am i better using UpdateExt from a Function rather than Update method?
Also, should i use row mod as A or use U if the row already exists and im changing a field.
a simple bit of code wont update the record…
The correct data is passing into the function as i used an exception to show the 3 variables are available
No errors in event viewer…or in postman when testing the function.
If you are dead set on using the Db context though, you need to call:
Db.Validate() in a BPM, or Db.SaveChanges() in a function before txScopeComplete()
In a function, you will also have to enable read/write for that table, and in the tables screen
on the right side, allow edit/update/whatever it says lol.