Slower, storing credentials inside, gotta keep up with them or keep them valid, etc
If you look at the trace when a queue is processed there are several methods that fire before the PerfomMaterialMovement. I assume one of them does the needed setup. I spotted an OkToProcess also.
here is a post using the methods in a customization that should be close.
Hi, i managed to sort this with a simple Fill table by query (querying ERP.MtlQueue) and the Perform Movement method.
The whole proess was much simpler than i was making out, i didnt have to update the table first as i could just submit the To Bin as a parameter before method kicked in
Hi Ricky,
Will you be able to give some insights how you were able to manage this? Maybe some guidance? I am trying to create record in material queue triggered by a checkbox at JobMtl table in Job entry form.
Thanks in advance!!
This is in a function but i imagine a standard data directive on the JobMtl table would be similar.
I believe the method you need is either MoveRequest.GetNewMoveRequest or IssueReturn.GetNewIssueReturn, fill the dataset you created (Invoke BO Widget) with a query