Patch update to 2024.1.5 issue

We are trying to patch 2024.1 from .4 to .5 and we are receiving the below error message. Any one know what we might be doing wrong, we have followed the instructions from Epicor.

IceCommon Database version does not match targeted install version of

The IceCommon Database will need to be updated to be targeted install using DBMigration before continuing with the server update

Having issues installing the .5 patch. Following the official instructions and still getting errors after…

  • a restart pool and computer restart,
  • DB model regen,
  • Admin Console updates,
  • removing the DB from the Admin Console and adding back,
  • changing the Epicor DB deployment folder to
  • “Upgrade Kinetic Database” option fails with Upgraded ICS Version cannot be less than the current Ice Version

It’s like it wants the Ice DB to be at .5 before you run the .5 update.


I am encountering the same error. I even verified the DLL versions for the DB Manager Extension seem to be correct and reran the .5 Admin Console updater

Have you opened an Epicor support ticket for this issue? I will do one as well and then I can reference yours to get quicker urgency on it.

I found this KB article:

The steps are:

  1. Open the Epicor Administration Console
  2. Expand Database Server Management
  3. Click on your SQL Server
  4. Select Update Common Database from the Actions pane

This worked for me :slight_smile: I was able to update to .5 after


I hit this on my initial install of 2024.1.4 and found that Update Common Database was supposed to fix it, but it did not. I added a demo database which made the ICECommon database below and then deleted and reinstall the app server and was able to update the database.




I’ve seen the Update Common DB fail (well not update) when the files aren’t installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Epicor Software\Database Manager Extensions\4.3.100\DB Migration\PatchCommonDB (or AV prevents them getting written). There should be a folder under there for each version.

I’m having the same issue when going from 2021.2 to 2024.1.9. If I install it as the base patch it goes ok, but trying .9 gives me the database version error. In a KB it says to Update Common Database, but it says it’s already up to date.

Did you manage to get this fixed?

Funny thing is that we were having the same issue. We didn’t realize that we had to check the ‘EXEC’ checkbox in the upper-left of the screen before we clicked on the upgrade button. After we selected this, it worked fine. Not sure if this is your issue, but I mention it just in case.

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The common dB is read only in Sql so I’m wondering if it’s not changing the status or sql is taking too long to respond to the change before the upgrade. Pure speculation on my part, I have tried a patch update on my demo environment. I’ll have to try it out :thinking:

Bingo this is what I needed.


You got a screenshot of this by chance so others can see what this looks like?

Sorry once its up to date I can’t bring it up again.

Anyway in the grid that pops-up there is a column on the far left that is headed Exec, check the box and hit the start button.

There is a picture in the 2024.1.10 upgrade guide that shows a picture of the “EXEC” checkbox.

I am doing a couple of upgrades today, so this is the before.
and after

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Thank you!

What are you upgrading to?

I have a test server and I did 23.2.45 and 24.1.10 from 21.2.10. We are going to move production up to 23.2 and I am going to start moving 400+ dashboards up to 24 for the next round.



I am also finally getting time to finish my 2024.2 uplift this week for our test server.

Then test and schedule an upgrade weekend.



What’s the deal with layers… do we have to publish them all again? Or things like the custom report layers?

@aosemwengie1 , I have a custom report criteria prompt… do I need to publish that again?