So epicor just debuted their new EpicCare look and Feel
I am fighting some really strong who moved my cheese however the most offensive thing about it is the font family. It looked like Plain old Times New Roman
After some experimentation it looks like they named their CSS font wrong here’s the Default Render with the font set as “Source Sans Pro”
I am curious what goes on in your head that says: Hey, this doesn’t look good… in fact, this had to be an accident. I must know what is going on behind the scenes… and then lo and behold you discover an error in their CSS coding?
I’ve been doing this long enough that I know nobody “enjoys” Times New Roman its offensive visually its a Serif font, so it “triggered” me
And I could not believe a product company like Epicor would make such an investment in a redesign and use something as universally hated as Times New Roman is so I took a guess
Times new roman is a serif font which means each letter has a little differentiator and decorator that makes it a little hard to read (even if its subtle) a “sans serif” font is much easier and uniform on the eyes.
“SourceSansPro” ( as the name implies is… Sans Serif)
here’s the StyleBot File if anyone wants to try ti