Management thinking of going Epicor cloud within 3-5 years


We currently on premise (but our servers are on cloud…)
My management desires to switch to the cloud version in a near future…

I vaguely remembered reading about the difference and limitations of the cloud version vs on prem. Can someone elaborate ? I need to gather all information I can so we can better prepare a plan…

Before that, we will convert all our custos into a Kinetic version so we can swith to fully Kinetic as a fist ste to ease the conversion towards going to Cloud.

Within our current DB, we created functions, used by BAQ’s, some custom tables, lots of different views etc… Are those would be available to persue?

The custom tables are mostly used by .net apps DLL’s launched within Epicor. which uses BO’s for transactions for Epicor. Those will have to be redone in order to work as Kinetic. Not sure of that path yet…it will all depends on the info you guys will provide…:wink:



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I think Epicor support leaves alot to be desired with their cloud offering. Tooling is severely limited, upgrade cadence and timelines is forced pretty hard. If you desire control over the ERP platform stick with on-prem. If you just need basic ERP offerings, use the cloud.


I disagree with this statement - what is limited is access to the server and what you can do OUTSIDE epicor. The epicor tools themselves and what you can do INSIDE Epicor are not really limited at all.

Epicor support leaves a lot to be desired period. You are just more reliant on them when you are in the cloud, although someday that dependence may be slightly reduced if the promised cloud portal actually gets released.

In any case Pierre hopefully you are talking to your account manager. Epicor has tools to tell you exactly what components of your system would be an issue in the cloud.


Overall, we are pretty happy with the cloud.

We have not found any gotchas we could not work around.

There are pain points however.

  • Upgrade cadence I believe is too fast, especially for larger customers, or those with highly customized systems. We flex (paid delay) for this reason. Gives us a little more time for testing.

  • Interacting with local systems can certainly be done, and done well, but you need to think differently sometimes.

  • Tooling → Being SaaS, tooling becomes more important, and Epicor lacks tooling specific to this area that could be useful. That’s why I build my own tooling, and share them here.


I don’t disagree with this statement, but there is a LOT of context…

The market for ERP software is going to smaller and smaller organizations. I’ve implemented Epicor in multiple organizations with fewer than 10 employees, and recently MOST of my clients are at fewer than 100. These places DON’T have IT staff, let alone dedicated Epicor staff.

Having been in IT since DOS, it’s quite a transition to see not just the computer itself but even the software become essentially an appliance… but here we are. Those of us here who DO do a lot of work under the hood are quickly becoming outnumbered by the “set it and forget it” crowd.


I don’t think so. You don’t have any sql access.

I guess you can do this with the Cloud SDK…

Rewrite the code as Epicor functions, that you call from REST

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Which I purchased, today.


You can purchase read only sql access. (real time replicated db)


Ah I thought that was more for syncing to websites, reporting and stuff. It would let him do stored procedures, views, etc?

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Nope. Can’t do any of that. Its read only.

The docs say you can make custom views for production. :thinking:

Really? Have you tried it? I’d love to find out that is actually possible.

Remarkably, I’ve stayed out of this since it’s been covered fairly well in the forum.

THIS is what matters. What are their reasons? What do they think they will get by going to the cloud? Moving capital expenditures to operational? Avoid hardware refreshes? Business continuity?



No, my consultant sent me the wrong quote and docs for something else.
Just read about it.

Let me see if I can find it, maybe I read wrong.

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Yeah, I read that ass backwards.

In order to protect system integrity in the cloud environment, there are
safeguards in place that restrict certain confidential information and changes
to the database such as creating views, modifying structure, running updates
against the database, or directly integrating to other applications. This offering
is available only for the live Production environment. It is not supported for
Pilot, Test, Embedded Education, or any other additional environments. For
greater security, it is accessible only from a registered IP address that
corresponds with your corporate network.


You mean on the cloud , we cannot add to our SQL ? (new views, new tables edit them, make corrections to data (our tables, that happens a lot) ?

I have thought about it as having a local interface with our app dll’s modified to use REST instead of direct connection to the DB (that would be minimal to do.) the best we would rewrite as web apps…if time permits…

What do you mean by Tooling ?

Yes we have a meeting scheduled in October … we need to run some program to analyse our Epicor and help them to help us… !

Thank you all for the input.

Actually it all started as they were told (not sure from whom ) that Epicor will leave the on-premise offering and transfer to be an only Cloud within 5 years…(Actually I should have started by asking if this was true, or they have been mislead ? ) I personnaly never read that…

Yes. By defualt, you have zero direct SQL access, if you pay extra you can get read only SQL access to replicated production data.

And if you need to generate a new view, new tables they can implement (with a price of course) or that will not be possible ?

I’ve never asked them. They don’t advertise it, if its possible. But you can ask your cam. If you are certain you cannot work around that restriction, hosting yourself on a cloud service or having a third party provider host you might be a better fit.

What goal do these views etc achieve?

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