Management thinking of going Epicor cloud within 3-5 years

Not true at all. Epicor has stated over and over again on premise is not going away.


Well that is good to know!

But we still need as our first step and it is a big one, to convert to Kinetic web…lots of lines of code would need to transform as functions, then re-arrange a few forms etc…

I have work setup for a long time!

Thanks all for the input


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Guess we’re staying with on-prem…LOL. We have a bunch of homegrown read-only things for reporting and whatnot. Being limited to “a registered IP address” (implying a single one) would be problematic.

It’s not a cloud vs on-prem issue. We can take our problematic customizations with deep dependencies to Azure for example and have all the control and upgrade concerns we have today.

The issue we all struggle with is how can we customize our systems in a way that promotes business flexibility, continuity, with reasonable costs. Being on-prem vs cloud is a different discussion - IMHO.


No argument there. We’re a hosted on-prem so in some respects we have the best of both worlds…stable environment and our own upgrade cadence if/when we’re ready.

The cloud “replicated readonly” thing just kinda stuck in my craw.
:slight_smile: Read-only ODBC ought to be available out of the box regardless of onprem/cloud…and not extracting a premium for it. If there’s a particular need for reporting that Epicor can’t provide (or to link in non-Epicor data sources), let the enduser have the connectivity to build on their own.

You could also do a different cloud… like platform as a service or infrastructure as a service.

2wTech has a platform as a service cloud.


You can register many ip addresses. However its still a pain because you can only access via linked server (impossibly slow) or azure data studio.


ODBC is not a secure way to access data if not properly setup. This is a bone that Epicor is throwing to those tools that can only use it. That’s why the “trusted IP” is required. Lifting and Shifting old solutions to the cloud are inefficient compared to what’s coming with the Data Fabric solutions.

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Don’t disagree with securing it via trusted IP either…the tools we’re using are predicated on internal network usage to get there. Forgive my ignorance on things, we’ve only been live for 16 months. :woozy_face:

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Oh, I have enough ignorance to go around for everyone, and I’m willing to share!

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I’m enjoying the cloud platform so far. While application support remains the same - hit or miss depending on the case, I find the the folks supporting the cloud system admins functions are very responsive.

The cloud admin portal is going to be a great help once that goes live. i understand we are getting closer to that being real.


I thought this was possible with the SDK? @klincecum or anyone else who has the SDK?

I only saw new tables mentioned by @josecgomez I think he has it

IIRC, the SDK allows you to create new objects, which includes the underlying tables, keys, etc.


Correct! even in the cloud :cloud:


I literally just bought it. Don’t know all the deets.

I See You No GIF by Teddy Too Big

This readonly database provides an entirely separate SQL database in the cloud, replicated from production. Using a separate database helps avoid hurting performance in production. Since this requires additional hardware resources it is somewhat logical to charge extra for it, for those customers that want it.