Logging in as another user works, so I don’t think it’s their client. And using Remote desktop to the App Server (as the user in question) yeilds the same thing (the crashing thing). Even happens when trying to launch the Test Company DB (which hasn’t been touched (with respect to user rights) in months.
Delete all .cch files from
C:\Users\jose\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\CLR Security Config\v2.0.50727.312
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework \2.0.50727\CONFIG
The program is usually run as an RD App (all users do it this way). It would not even run when RDC’ing directly to the App Server (Windows Server 2012 R2). The Apserver is the one without that CLR… directory. (I inspected it with admin rights and showing hidden files)
I RDC’d (as the user in question) to another server that has the client installed on it. And the user can run from there.
Dear ckrusen http://epiusers.help/u/ckrusen
Please login using manager and change the user within the epicor screen and
clear the catch once catch will clear exit from e10 and try to relogin hope
this works for you
If none of the other great ideas above work…do you think this user might have something on their Favorites Menu that could be causing the client to crash? It might be set to Auto-Load or not… I’ve seen an issue where an individual user had a bad Favorites link and they couldn’t log into the Classic E10 client because of that. (And it wasn’t even set to auto-load…) The Shell view would open for them without crashing but not the Classic view. So I had the user log into the Shell view and we deleted the unusual Favorites links (web pages, Excel\Word Docs, etc.) that they had and then they were able to open the Classic view without a problem. Just a thought…
I see several suggestions for deleting files or “clearing the cache”, and have to admit that I don’t always know where these files are or how this cache is implemented.
Is there a document that outlines what directories are used on the various machines, of various roles, with various O/S’s?
Client running on Win7
Client running on Win8
Client running on Win10
Client running on WinServer 2008
Client running on WinServer 2008 as Terminal Service
Client running on WinServer 2012 as Terminal Service
App Server running on WinServer 2008
App Server running on WinServer 2012
I am not aware of a document. This was learned by tribal knowledge. If you want to clear all cached info from Epicor on most machines this will work. Search for %programdata%\Epicor then remove all of the folders. Only do this with the client closed as it will cut the legs out from under it. I don’t run TS so I don’t know how that would complicate this.
AFAIK those .NET / CLR / ProgramData\Epicor folders are possible causes of “mfgsys.exe has stopped working”
You may find some hints in EpicWeb answerbook or Google, but there isn’t an official documenting listing it out.
No experience with TS, but the path is same for my Win7, XP, Win10, Server 2008R2, 2012R2
Please state actions you performed so we can stop repeating “delete this” or “clear the cache”. In your case I strongly believe that C:\ProgramData\Epicor\ [server]-[port] would be the answer