

Been ages since I tried 10.2, so thought I would have another go on test system.

I deleted the existing app, applied update and then added new application server. Why does it still prompt me for credentials, normally Windows auth method is single sign on.

Many Thanks

Can anybody confirm that theyā€™ve managed to get Epicor Data Discovery working in 10.2 on premise? Nothing much in the install guides that needs to be done, but it just isnā€™t playing ball. Trying to use the built in version, not licensed version.

Many Thanks


i am also trying to install EDD on 10.2 on premise. I got it working on but it seems to have changed in - canā€™t install it without a lic nowā€¦?

I was under the impression that EDD requires a new license file, even for the ā€œfreeā€ versionā€¦at least thatā€™s what support told me. You can just email customerservice@epicor.com and they will send you a new license file.

I had it installed and working on prem, in a test environment ( Overall, it was pretty straightforward to install.

This is from an Epicor employee.

Reading the manual/help file (canā€™t remember which) then I think it says that you can install it without a license and it just makes available the free content modules. The license file would be for the paid versions.

Iā€™m happy to stand corrected though. I really want to get this working.

@aidacra @Bart_Elia anybody else can help get us past these errors? Iā€™m been happily able to create new environments since 10.0, but on 10.2 as well as not being able to make EDD work I also get a popup box prompting for credentials. Itā€™s not working SSO as per 10.1.600?

I am not aware of the details on EDD but I know you can INSTALL it without a license (just gives you a warning to add before it works). If you donā€™t install and try to use it - not sure the errors you will see. The previously mentioned @bconner is the lead on EDD so his comments are the authoritative source. @aidacra may have a good KB article - deferring to their expertise.

@Bart_Elia OK, I will pester @bconner on the EDD. Anything you can say regards this login box? Is this expected? If I put in my Windows credentials, then it signs into Epicor. But, normally just signs in using SSO with Windows in my experience.


SeedData :Failed to fetch installation ID for admin at https://EpicorTEST01.bvdairy.local/ERP102100Finance/. Failed to create bearer token for admin at https://EpicorTEST01.bvdairy.local/ERP102100Finance/. Token authentication may not be enabled on the Epicor server, Refer to Epicor Administration Console.

The above is an errorlog file that I found buried away in this folder: E:\Epicor\ERP10\ERP10.2.100.0\Updates\ERP10.2.100.11\SupplementalInstalls\Data Discovery

Token Authentication IS enabled for the Application Server.

Do you have a support case for this one? Typically that does indicate that it is unable to login with token auth using the user you are providing during installation. Might be support can step you through this and if you have a case number iā€™ll give them a nudge to see if they need any dev escalation assistance.

The only known wrinkle with this part of the process is that on 10.2.100.x if you are trying to use a user that is set to SSO Only the token service will not allow you to log in with that user to do the install. That (and sso more broadly) is sorted out in the upcoming 10.2.200.

Also to Bartā€™s commentā€¦ not exactly right. Hereā€™s how it really works

You can install edd without a license (I recommend just skipping that bit as you can do it later at any time without reinstalling). The edd install with no license will get you access to our starter views all based on zHomepageā€¦ baqs.

Then, presuming that is working and you see data coming out of the canned views, you can install an edd basic license. We are currently giving out (free) EDD Basic licenses if you ask your account manager for one and you can apply that to an already installed edd instance to get access to other baqs. Sorry for the added complexity here - weā€™re removing some of these licensing setup requirements in follow ups to simplify things.

The steps are (presuming edd is installed without a license and working)

  • Get your updated .lic file license from your cam with an edd basic license
    Note: It can simplify your life somewhat if you request an unlimited user count basic license.
  • Open up the edd web interface in a browser https://your.server.name/ERP10-EDD/ ā† something like this depending on your deployment
  • Log in with an admin user
  • Click the gear icon in the top left on the navbar to go into administration
  • Go into licensing and thereā€™s a way to import the .lic file that has the edd basic license in it
  • If we gave you a count based license (user count based) you also need to assign users to it. Click the edit button on the license and you can search for erp users and add them.

At that point admin level users should be able to create and save new edd views from any baq on the main edd page (click the big plus, select your baq). Note that there is also role based admin so you can control what users can create, save, etc in the administration area as well.

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Hi Brian

I do now have a case - CS0000889220

Many Thanks


@markdamen did support end up getting you squared away with the bearer token error? Iā€™m having the same issue trying to get EDD installed.

Following up not sure what Marks issue was, but for us the bearer token issue was related to me not using a separate app pool. You have to create a separate app pool (epicorerp-edd for example) so that the system can still generate the token even though the main app pool is stopped during deployment.

I am sure this is in the install doc, I wasnā€™t looking at it though :upside_down_face:.


I just couldnā€™t make it work on 10.2.200. Worked straight away from 10.2.300.

I apparently make life more difficult by using SSO (Windows Auth). Whenever I speak with UK support, they always wonder why weā€™re not using Epicor usernames. I see it as much easier for IT to not have to manage another set of passwords, and more convenient for users to be able to just launch Epicor once logged into Windows.


Are you saying that windows auth is still kinda janky in 10.2?

Windows Auth itself was working in 10.2.100 and 10.2.200 for me on a test box, it was the EDD bit that I was struggling with.

On 10.2.300, both signing into E10 and EDD seem to work a lot better out of the box.


To latch onto this thread, weā€™ve been trying to install EDD on our 10.2.300.8 install and are receiving a similar error as everyone here. I donā€™t have a screenshot of the settings unfortunately as I am not the I.T. Admin, but we followed the install instructions found here https://epicweb.epicor.com/Education/ReleaseDocsOnline/10.2.300/NewInstall/frameset.htm#Epicor10/Epicor10_InstallEpicorDataDiscovery.html and used localservice for the application pool built in account. From what Iā€™m reading here it has something to do with the application pool account. Iā€™m going to open up a ticket with support now but thought Iā€™d chime in to this thread as well.

ā€“Failed to fetch token - (Epicor.BI.DataDiscovery.Exceptions.ApiException): Token authentication may not be enabled on the Epicor server, Refer to Epicor Administration Console.
at Epicor.BI.DataDiscovery.Security.IceAuthScheme.<GetTokenFromSvc>d__1.MoveNext() in F:\TFSAgent_work\26\s\Epicor.BI.DataDiscovery.System\Security\IceAuthScheme.cs:line 90
ā€” End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ā€”

ā€“Failed to fetch installation ID for manager at https://XXX-ERP.xxxxxxxxx.com/ERP102Test/. Failed to create bearer token for manager at https://XXX-ERP.xxxxxxxxxx.com/ERP102Test/. Token authentication may not be enabled on the Epicor server, Refer to Epicor Administration Console.

ā€“Failed to deploy Epicor Data Discovery
ā€“Starting Application Pool if it exists
ā€“Unable to start the application pool : The service cannot accept control messages at this time. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070425)

Do you have token authentication enabled?

100% yes, set up exactly as you have it there.