That’s nice Calvin.
You have a choice to summarize if you want.
But accountants are nuts about details - like credits equal debits, so typically they don’t opt for the summary approach.
The approach Epicor took is good, but maybe by design, hard to copy in and install in earlier versions of Epicor. The approach however does make it easy to change what is documented for the description.
I’m going to have to disagree. Or maybe you and I have different definitions of what “summarizing” is.
In a more computer-ese speak, the summarization that Capture WIP/COS (aka PPP) does is to group transactions by the GL account they affect, sum up the debits and credits, and make a single GL transaction with the description “Periodic Posting Process”
And unless I’m wrong (which I very well could be), the Periodic Posting Process basically runs the WIP Recon report, then takes that summary table at the end, and creates GL trans for those summarized items.
For example, Qty Adj, Cost Adj and Issue to Job all effect the GL for raw materials. There would be hundreds if not thousands of PartTran records that get combined into a single GL entry for a specific date. Which one is used to drive the Description?
Or does the Posting engine first assign a description to each transaction - which would obviously allow details for that one parttran - then group by date and description, before creating the GL entries?
If this was the case, then I could see how the details could be maintained. But you run the risk of making the GL Report look just like the WIP Recon report. I don’t think Accounting would be happy if the GL Report for Raw Materials acct went from 50 entries to 10,000 every month.
I think that detail does not belong in the ledger, but it does depend on how much data is being summarized, so it could be okay depending on the business. We can have hundreds of transactions that will add up to less than a $10 entry, so I do not want that in detail.
In our case I stayed out of finance and only did the manufacturing implementation in 9. When we were planning the move to 10 I was also wearing the accounting hat and found that the COS Wip recon was being entered into the GL in detail. TranGLC and GLJrnDtl both had millions of the same records and the capture process took forever. I stopped posting in detail and the current controller can dig into any details needed, but does not have a thousand page GL report.
Hopefully in January I can put up a dev 2022.2 and see the changes in our environment.
To update the new posting rules you will find in the rules - there are some new functions -
You just need to modify the one line to add the supplier information.
The functions begin with this statement which creates a standard prefix for the text.
The logic for PUR-UKN is
Else IfCOSAndWIP–PartTran–Details–Tran Type = ‘PUR-UKN’
Result= Concatenate Result + ' PO:' + COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--Order Num + '/' + COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--Line Num + '/' + COSAndWIP--PartTran--Purchase Order Release--Release Num + ' PS:' + COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Slip Num + '/' + COSAndWIP--PartTran--Receiving Detail--Line Num
This is where you could insert the supplierID, Name, or other information that can be linked to the transaction.
Note that the transaction text is a “short field” - I believe only 150 characters long.
Imust have totally missed something in the Capture Process. Where or how do you specify Detailed vs Summarized GL entries? I don’t ever recall seeing anything about that.
@ckrusen It is the COSandWIP posting rule that @LarsonSolutions is showing above. On the book tab change Summarize to No summarization. Or in my case flip it back to default.
here is a KB on the process to switch. KB0029513
While you can get the details of the transaction elsewhere in the system, I have found many accounts that really like all of the details in the GL. Yes, even the $0.10 transactions…
Running the WIP Recon report does give you some information, but, it is easier just to see it with the financial transaction, not only the PartTran record.
I have found, if the accountant want’s it, I get it for them.
Interesting - I found the setting you are referring to…
The rule is currently set to summarize, but here’s all of the details.
So not sure what is getting summarized.
In my testing and modifying this rule, I have not checked or changed that setting.
@LarsonSolutions Is there a way to not do this because for me this will make me very unhappy.
Is there any summary or are they just assigning a new sequence number to every line and essentially making it detail?
I just compared my GL Report PD 12 from 2021 339 pages to 2014 PD 12 2574 pages and we are twice the size were were then. I do not want to wade thru thousands of pages in the general ledger.
But I guess one man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.
Do any transactions to this account still show as “Periodic Posting Process”?
Maybe my thoughts about the PE grouping items into a single GL entry, does group on the description too.
Think about it. If all the STK-MTL part trans have default description of “Periodic Posting Process” and the grouping is by GL Acct, Apply Date, and Description, then you’d get one entry for each day, with the “PPP” description.
But if the PE applies a description first, then you’d get a new GL line for each different description.
If your PE rule was to set the description to be just the job number, the GL would show just 2 entries.
10/3/22 STK-MTL JOB 1910 IJ 246 555 113.52
10/3/22 STK-MTL JOB 1897 IJ 246 556 36.15
Also, I thought you were saying the ‘summarize’ option was something selected during Capture COS. I didn’t realize it could be done at the GL account level.
In reading the posting rules not just for COSandWIP (I really should read books not code), I haven’t seen where it would do a summarization of transactions.
The summarization may be a hold back from Vantage.
Here is a question, our accounts dept actually preffered the summary PPP. With 2023.1 version of Kinetic would there be any way of reverting back to how it was. Or something similar to?
you could change the posting rule, believe that it would be a simple change.
Yeah I managed to get a set of instructions from Epicor directly that showed me what changes to make. Going to trial it this month end and see how it goes. Thanks for your help
@utaylor I found a KB KB0124377 (link below) and the change is not bad, but I also found a gold mine as an offshoot of this change. There is a new function User Extended Description which the word doc at the bottom of the KB tells you how to change the value of the function to False. There is also another function Compose GL Transaction Text for PartTran which sets all of the Transaction Text values and is referenced in every posting rule now. It has every transaction type already built.
If you remove the first If condition then the function applies even if Use Extended Descriptions is false.
If I want all of the details on shipments, but want all issues to jobs not to say periodic, but still be in one entry then you can make the entry simple like the STK-MTL below and the posting engine will split based on the account and description.
Any you don’t care about at all just delete and they will have the default again.
If you do delete items it will delete all lines of the condition.
There is another KB I found that recommends setting manually review all transactions, so you can make a new revision and make it active, run a capture and see the changes in the review journal. Cancel the posting make more changes, capture again until you have what you want .
review journal
Apologies for the delay. 2022.2 Change in COSAndWIP Posting Rule Description in the General Ledger, No Longer Periodic Post KB0124377
This change is only displaying in one of our companies, the other companies still display Period Posting Process. I’ve compared Company Config and the COSandWIP Posting Rule and everything matches between my companies. Should I open a support ticket?