Finally Epicor has come around to adding details into the COSandWIP rule to eliminate the “periodic Posting process” text.
@JasonMcD ask what is “Periodic Posting Process” anyway?
The GL Transaction type of COSandWIP is the rule that handles all of the financial transactions for parttran, labor and Cost of Sales.
Epicor has alway put in a transaction text of “Periodic Posting Process” to document that the general ledger was updated by this rule - no details of the transaction were mapped.
When posting rules were made available to the users, I among others worked on resolving this by changing the posting rules by adding in details about the transactions that account could use in trouble shooting.
Example of labor records before and after.
With this change there still may be a need to change the information for some customers, but it will be a little easier now with the base rules in place.
I have reviewed it in the new release (pilot - cloud).
Epicor took a different approach so it would be difficult to copy the solution into E9 or E10.
Though, if you copy the function into the header rule for PartTran. You are almost there.
So if you want the new rule in E9 or E10, you can copy the function and the rules in from 2022.2
They created simular code that I had in the header rule and moved it to three functions. PartTran, Labor and COS of Sales.
It’s effective, but it required a seperate line to be inserted into every rule in the list.
The header approach didn’t require that.
BTW - if you want to modify the rule (put in other key fields into the transaction text, it will be very easy)
Bruce you know we have joined the Gl transaction table with the trans GLC to give all the detail you need. You need all the columns in both tables to get real information accounts can use
A couple years ago, one of the presentations was on elimination of PPP.
The key was going into the Header Rule and putting in all of the logic for the partTran.
For Labor and Cost of sales - I went into the individual rules an entered a function.
If you could get the rule from someone that is on Kinetic 2022.2 - you could copy and paste the functions into the existing rule and enter in one line that calls the parttran function in the header rule.
I tested this yesterday and our accountant was a little happier, but in the PUR-UKN transaction he was disappointed not to find the Vendor Number in there. You mentioned that it should be relatively easy now to edit the rules but I had a quick look and it didn’t seem obvious? Any pointers gratefully received as to where the rules are defined. I looked in the active rules for COS and WIP and looked in the header rule in Cost of Sales but it still seems to say in there to set the description to Periodic Posting Process? I must be looking in the wrong place?
Aren’t the GL transactions that are created from the Capture COS/WIP process the summary of a parttran records that hit that GL account on that apply date?
If you had a single receipt, it could be useful to have it’s info in the GL report. But if you have tens or hundreds, what meaningful info can you put in the GL trans description?
I would have found it best to make the description: See WIP Recon report for IJ, Num:321, Line: 4
That way accounting doesn’t constantly ask what was in that PPP.