Dashboard Tracker Customization Not Saving

I am working on a custom dashboard for sales analysis, pretty simple things like comparing quantities and dollars sold by month, with the ability to filter by month, product group, or customer name. The BAQ works fine, no issues there. Then I make a dashboard and add the BAQ for a summary view, still no problems. Now I add a tracker view and this is where I start getting issues. I have tried adding a tracker view with input prompts and then modifying those, and I have tried adding a tracker view with no input prompts and me adding everything manually and I get the same issue. I have the customization exactly like I want it, press Save, close. Then save the dashboard. When I go to deploy and preview it the labels are all using the default text, the ComboBAQ fields are all missing the input data and have reverted back to their initial location.

I tried this numerus times over a few days with the same result. I have tried clearing cache, restarting epicor, my PC, I deleted everything out of the C:\ProgramData\Epicor\ folder. No difference. I opened a ticket and the helpdesk was not helpful beyond saying “If it is indeed a user problem, and if purging the personalizations did not solve it, then I’m afraid you will need to create a new user. If the issue however seems to be limited to your PC rather than the user itself we can try a few things yet to fix it such as clearing the client cache and making sure your windows user has the proper access to the Epicor files.”

This will, of course, not work because I have already done those steps. And I don’t see making a new user as an alternative. That’s just lazy. I want a fix. Does anyone have any ideas or experienced anything similar? I am in the software client and I am using the classic view. Version 2023.2.11.

Your best results will come from deploying the dashboard, and customizing the deployed dashboard, not adding a customization to the tracker from the builder.


Thank you Kevin. I did try doing it that way without any more luck. Still did not save some of the input fields for the control. But also I have a couple issues with doing it that way regardless:
-It limits me to only using a Dashboard-Assembly.
-It doesn’t explain why the other user in my company has no issues with this.
-It somewhat lets Epicor off the hook. I am doing this the way I was trained to and the way it is expected to work.

There is something weird going on behind the scenes and it is probably something straight forward. Or it is a bug to be fixed.

I am also looking to make sure I am doing this the correct way to eliminate that, but I have made these before with no issue so I am 99% sure that is not the case.

I’m not seeing how this one is a problem?

Epicor is already off the hook. They aren’t going to fix it.

The future is browser, whether we like it or not. :sob:

Have you tried doing it on his machine, or vice-versa?

I have logged into my account on my PC and on a different PC with the same results. The other person has logged into my PC and I got the same results. The next step is for me to show the other person how I am doing it and see if they are seeing something wrong, which is possible.

Maybe it isn’t a big deal which kind of dashboard type it is, but I remember in the past switching it from one to another solve various issues, just wanted the flexibility I guess.

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Did you only go to preview, or did you actually deploy the dashboard to the menu and run it from there?

I fully deployed, made a menu item, opened in dev mode, customized, then added the customization to the menu item. Closed and re-opened epicor and the customization did not fully save. So for example, the controls appeared in the correct location and displayed a list, but the list did not filter anything even though it was marked as a dashboard prompt etc.

dashboard-troubleshooting-rjm.dbd (155.6 KB)
I’ve attached the dashboard definition and baq in case you wanted to take a look. This has the tracker in it with how it looks right after I save it.

These controls. When were they made?

Automatically, or did you add them in the customization?

The ones on that tracker were made by me. I’ve tried the other way, selecting the inputs and then customizing to disable the text fields and add baqcombo fields I get the same problem, it doesn’t save correctly. I tried logging into a different PC on my username, having another user log into my PC and I still get the same results.

If they were made by you, did you set “IsTrackerQueryControl” to true on the controls?

Yes, I watched him make it. Everything is setup, works great. Hit save and close the dashboard window and come back and it magically loses most of the properties he set. Very perplexing.

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Oh I see, he’s your coworker!

Didn’t catch that before.

I would say you have messed up xml. I have seen this before, on a dashboard I manage has a tracker on it and if you look at the properties you see several fields with incorrect labels, but on screen the labels look correct. Save and you tracker labels are messed up, change them back save, close dashboard, open properties and they have changed again… I too have tried all sorts of things, but the custom xml seemed to be the problem there were duplicate rows for the labels, if I recall… Perhaps it is something similar, although it does not explain, why it works for one user and not the other.

Maybe a client cache deletion with extreme prejudice is warranted (delete the whole directory)

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So I actually have done that multiple times without anything changing, you are talking about C:\ProgramData\Epicor right?

Evan mentioned something about the xml being corrupted or something and I agree these seems likely, but I don’t know what else to delete or refresh or what to try differently.


I would say that it might be the case of rebuild it… I think you mentioned you did that already…

.Are you developing on the App server or locally?

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Locally, and this happens for every dashboard he creates, so if its corrupted xml, something is corrupting it every time.

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Machine rebuild. Or have you tried purging personalization’s including their global options.

He’s tried on multiple computers, same issue.

Not sure if that was one of the things Epicor Support had him do already or not.

I used the customization maintenance to delete all of my personalizations and I used personalization purge as well for just my personalizations. Not sure if there is any other place to check for the global options part.

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