Creating a new labor detail (the right way)

Does anyone know if it would be easier to add the scrap functionality somehow into the report quantity screen? I see that the transaction for the quantity complete show on the same lines as the scrap. Couldn’t another field in the report quantity be added that adds a record with a quantity in the scrap column instead of the completed column? Also, Beth had mentioned (I think in another thread) that she wanted more detail on why the scrap was happening, that seems like a good candidate for UD fields added and those extra classifications can be added the the report quantity screen. That would be much simpler than going through the whole non-con process and bring decisions to the lowest possible level like a good company does.

If this is a ridiculous idea, just say so, I don’t have the knowledge to do this, it just seems like a clean solution.

So I just walked through some of the steps and realized that report quantities basically makes a holding record that shows up in the labor transactions, but doesn’t create a labor detail record until you end activity. If you report quantities, it fills in that number on end activity. It also doesn’t backflush the material until you end activity. So if that’s important to backflush it real time, that wouldn’t work. However, I still think it would be nice to add scrap to the report quantities, because you can still create dashboards and alerts that would help notify people when the scrap happens because it could show up in the labor transaction tables, and then get written to labor detail upon end activity.

I would assume they wrote it that way to reduce the amount of labor detail transactions that are written in the system which makes sense to me.

If you wanted an immediate backflush, you could do something similar like I am doing with scrap, but for production quantity. Like you mention, you’ll have a ton more transactions. (Although I am getting more transactions with my scrap method as well). I did repurpose a comment field to contain MY scrap reason. The REAL scrap reason is still the standard/generic MFG FLOOR SCRAP, but you can get the scrap details in the comments.

I do plan on moving my scrap reporting to the report qty screen eventually. Currently, I have a custom job queue where I have a scrap button. For each job selected, I can scrap against it. I use that job queue to easily find, and select a job based on resource (as opposed to resource group like Epicor does) - you can even log into multiple jobs simultaneously.

The only downside of placing the report scrap on the report qty screen is that you can only scrap against a job you are logged onto. Not a big deal, but I like the flexibility of being able to simply report scrap without having to log into a job.

Sorry know this has been dormant for a while but I came across this thread when looking for something else. Backflush on report quantity can happen right away if the shop employee record | Production Info | Report Quantity | Override Job field is checked. Type job, assembly and op and the quantity and the material will backflush real time.

Not checking this box effectively sees report quantity require start production activity, report quantity and then end production activity. Checking the box means that report quantity does all three. Works even if only some of the required quantity is completed.


Can you go into more detail on how you’re achieving this? I’ve only gotten as far as creating a Button on the MES and linking it to open another menu.

I’d like to do something similar, to allow scrap reporting during production.

The best place to start is by running a trace and then reporting scrap. This will show you all of the business objects used, what methods, parameters and even the data in\out of those calls.

Are these SQL Server Profiler traces or traces within Epicor?

Sorry, I’m more familiar with SQL than I am Epicor. I’ve only found maybe two or so videos that pertain to Event Wizards inside of Epicor as far as customization goes.

You’ll use the epicor tracing


Make sure you turn off tracing when done. PS - using Notepad++ in XML is epic for these traces

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Thanks, I’ll look into it!

After that, I would do something along the lines of using the Event Wizard triggered by a Click Event on a button?

The furthest I have gotten is setting a button up to open another screen.

Yes, that would be the start, but it goes way more in depth. You’ll be using adapters for business objects. Look in EpicWeb for the ICE Tools manual and Customization Manual

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For posterity:


Hi, I am trying to create new labor detail, so how do I go about using the code?

Is this a BPM ?

We will need some more information. Do you have a plan or a list of what you want to build? Are you just wanting to add a detail to an existing form?

I am creating a dashboard for workers to estimate their hours. Our workers do not have time to clock in and out of MES.So using the Dashboard, they can estimate the time they spent on the overall job. After that, I will create a time and expense entry for them when they save the actual hours. What my question is, where do you put the code that OP posted?

Sounds like you need a UD table to work up the estimated time. Once it is ready I would use a button to process the time, verify the job is complete and update the time and expense. A BMP would be more in line to verify a process on a field entry or Exit in my opinion. I think of a BMP as automation without a button.


How has this real-time scrap project worked out? Success I hope?

I also have interest of a more real-time scrap recording. I noticed that labor qty adjustment records are in the labor detail table. I would expect the scrap records to look very similar.

Is there any reason that a real-time LaborQty would not work?

Shawn Williams


It worked out. The end solution was I gave the user a way to report scrap seperately (since scrap was reported after the fact)

“Is there any reason that a real-time LaborQty would not work?”
I dont understand the question.


I work at a machine shop. Operators must collect all the parts they produce and input the labor qty when they clock off a job.

You have validated creating an additional labor detail record adding a scrap qty to a job. Correct? Is there any reason this cannot be done for Labor Qty?

Oh, I see. No problem at all… BUT, keep in mind you end with a larger LaborDtl table since you are going to be making more records. I am not saying that’s necessarily a problem, just a side effect

Thanks for the confirmation.
