It would be great if I, as an administrator, didn’t have to promote each user to “admin”, then beg him/her for the password, in order to update a context menu.
Oh… then quickly revert that user to “user” permissions before he goes somewhere he’s not supposed to.
Wouldn’t it also be great if these context menus could be managed along with (even as a part of) the Menu Management system - where administrators could properly customize access; by user, group, department, profile, etc? The answer is yes, it would be awesome!
This would be a huge time saver. There are requests dealing with user/profile cloning and mgmt. While related, I think the topic presented here is distinctly different and deserves its own consideration.
I’m afraid it doesn’t, Jose. (At least not in
Context Menu Maintenance, as visible to me in my implementation of Epicor, is a “help-yourself” type tool.
However, if you (Jose) were the administrator, and you were asked to customize a department of 10 users, you would have to ask each one of those users for his/her password, promote each user to security manager, provide cusomization rights, etc. in user maintenance, sign out from your (Jose) user session, then sign on as each user, make the specific customizations to each program accessible via context menu… wait, while I catch my breath… Okay, I’m back… then Sign out, sign back in as Jose, reinstall the original permissions for each user (if you remember what they were). Then alert the users to the changes.
I imagine a world where I, as an administrator can simply open Menu Maintenance (or a NEW Context menu maintenance) and perform those actions on behalf of users, and groups of users, all while being myself - the admin.
If this currently exists, please tell me where to find it and then quickly eradicate all traces of this post (please)!
Hey @Banderson, thanks for that. However, to make sure we’re using the same terms, I think you are (correctly) saying that EACH user can do this for him/herself and I agree that this ability exists. However, to reword, slightly, your second sentence… “All users can be maintainted…”, should really be “all users can maintain themselves”.
There is no ability for any administrator to manage this function. It is entirely self-help.
In my organization, we tend to frown on promoting users to admin level so that they can customize their own menus.
I’m just suggesting that there ought to be a management utility.
Right you are. It is either ALL or individual. Thanks for the correction.
Lacking the management ability, we have had to “customize down” for all - to remove all but the basics.
We then have to individually go through the process I’ve described, to add customizations by user and to groups of users - individually. Our sales team sees a different set of functions than our operations team does which is again different from what management wants to be able to interact with.
I’m just saying, it would be great to have a management utility.
Another way to manage it, not as nicely/cleanly, is to add the context menu options for all users, then control access through menu maintenance. The Context menu is pointing to a menu it, so you can control access from there. They just get a pop-up that says that they are not authorized to access that menu item (I think, it’s been a while since I’ve seen it). Test it out anyways and see if it’s a workable workaround.
Great suggestion, and I’d love to be able to implement it. In fact, that is exactly how we launched.
Management hated the “not authorized” popups - even though it was only “lower-level” folks that were getting those. But, thanks for the suggestion.
That is how we use it.
But it is not the user that manages the context menu maintenance, it is the admins. We created a menu copy and assigned rights via menu maintenance. Then add this new menu to context menu. Then add the users to the security group assigned to that new menu.
We view the context menus as a menu system. Therefore, mgmt feels that if we can customize the (standard/regular) menu system by department, and for individual users, we ought to be able to fully manage the Menu System(S).
I tend to agree, and I believe it should be rolled into menu maintenance and fully maintainable by a company admin. This would include the ability to create the customizations for individuals, groups of individuals, etc.
FWIW - using Menu level security is pretty week. You can hide the Part Maintenance menu entry for a user, but they can still access it from practically everywhere else, via the Context menu.
We pretty much use Menu security, to “clean-up” the main menu’s, so users don’t get a sea of options they can’t use.