Firstly we are cloud based.
Is is possible to add a datagrid onto a configurator Screen/Page either using User Defined, Methods, BAQ’s or any other methodology.
If so how - any and all suggestions welcome.
Thanks you
Firstly we are cloud based.
Is is possible to add a datagrid onto a configurator Screen/Page either using User Defined, Methods, BAQ’s or any other methodology.
If so how - any and all suggestions welcome.
Thanks you
Hello Dave,
What’s the purpose? Display only or are you looking to update?
You might be able to utilize the Web Control and send it a URL that displays a BAQ via REST.
Development purposes only to see it the data I want is really there. No need for runtime. I want to iterate through either a Dataset record by record, or a subset of records from a configurator lookup table and thought if I got it into a data table I could then easily iterate through it. Either that or if it exists in a combobox as a list collection I could do the same, but I need to access multi fields per record so data table would be better and easier to debug!
One thing I would do is create a Debug Page with various controls to show values. Multi-line text boxes are great for this. You can tab-delimit data for columns with new lines for rows and then just copy/paste into Excel.
I do believe that if you exit the configurator and then start it again, the ‘reconfigure’ screen will show you (in table form) the entire variable/input set for the previous configuration. And I mean from the UI - so in Quote/Order Entry kind of thing, not from the Configurator designer UI.
That doesn’t really help as I want to look at the controls at runtime and iterate through them. I have managed, with the help of Evan Purtt.
Thanks for your help.
Dave Crozier
Hi Dave,
Would you mind Sharing how you added a ultragrid please?
I am keen on updating the UD100 (and child Set) from a grid in the configurator.
Many Thanks
I have only dealt with Textboxes, EditBoxes, Labels and checkboxes so far… so I can’t help you yet but I’ll look into it!
Hi Dave,
Thanks - much appreciated
The best I have been able to do is to create editor boxes for each “column” of data. Then populate them in sync so the data for row one is added to each “column”, then row two with a new line for blank data in a column. You can’t synchronize scrolling so if list is long not very helpful for viewing but has been helpful in collecting data for other uses. For example if you need to allow user to build a list and you can’t predict the length of the list. Pseudo List box functionality.
You could also put all the data in one editor box separated by tabs, not perfect either due to proportional fonts still giving you wavy data.
If the limitation of the configurator screens get in the way you can leverage a custom screen and a no inputs configurator. Your custom screen interacts with the user as you need it to, then store the resulting data in a UD table that the no inputs configurator consumes to build the MOM. I have a client that has a custom non-Epicor configurator on their website that sends the MOM information into a UD table and the no inputs configurator consumes it at Get Details time on the Job to build the MOM. Works great for parts on the fly type parts.
Hi James,
Thanks for your advice. I have looked into it further and the best I can come up with is launching a UD entry screen, with launchform options, from a UD method - so whilst not on the configurator form it is only one click away.
Not sure if this helps anyone else.
Kind Regards
Your idea about the “non inputs” configurator sounds like a great idea. Just how would you populate the UD Table from the configurator? I have tried but no success.
Also, how would you leverage a custom screen from the configurator, bearing in mind we are E10 Epicor cloud. I’d be interested to know.
There seems to be so many ways to dig underneath the skin of the configurator but non of them are documented apart from in the minds of the group members here, which is great resource indeed and everyone is extremely helpful. Maybe there needs to be an “advanced developers” configurator technical manual with as many of these tips collated together!
@Jkinneman - Jim, I’m also curious about this as it seems like we would have so much more control over things (in the non-Epicor configurator) using standard app dev tools/language of our choice, but I’ve never thought of a good way to get the data into the Epicor configurator processing of GetDetails. Can you expand a little on the process of consuming the UD data? In my head, it would be simply like converting values from the UD data into ‘inputs’ defined inside the configurator so they could be used during GetDetails. Is that about right?
You would not launch the configurator but use a custom screen of your own design. As part of your custom screen you would store any results in a UD table. The order/quote line would have a part number tied to a no-input configurator. When your custom screen is done you would call the nicDocumentRules method. (Spelling might be off). This runs any document rules you might have in the no-inputs configurator. After that standard functionality takes over.
The key reason for using a no-inputs configurator is it simplifies the get details phase. The challenge with any roll your own configurator is building the MOM with the results. The configurator input stage is usually separated by time and process from the Get Details stage. Without a no-inputs configurator you have to also roll your own Get Details process to build the MOM based on the results from your roll your own configurator . The no-inputs configurator has that ability already built in and the normal get details process will trigger it.
The configurator isn’t as flexible as the standard screens from a customization standpoint but there is still a ton of things you can do only limited by your imagination. For example you can treat document rules as a post-processing phase where you can put what normally would be post processing BPM. Using BPMs with the configurator is otherwise difficult if at all possible.
You are correct in that a custom screen would be duplicating what the configurator already does by storing data in a UD table. As with any roll your own solution there is additional overhead that we have to maintain.
With a no-inputs configurator we avoid some of it as it will make the get details stage simpler. When the No-inputs configurator is triggered during the Get Details phase we do a query on the UD table and act accordingly based on the data. Very much as we would do if we used a standard configurator, we just need to do a query against a table instead of looking at our input controls.
See my answer to Dave for some additional information and if this and that doesn’t cover it in enough details let me know and I go into greater details.
Where is this happening? In the configurator rules?
@rdcrozier - Can you access Launchform options in the cloud? If so you can load a UD form from within a UDMethod.
As far as I am aware, no … unless anyone else can provide a method.
I see it more clearly now, thanks @Jkinneman. And to add - if Epicor Functions are avail inside the configurator (I can’t recall if they are or not), then we could build some universal functionality that is available to both the no-inputs configurator AND the external configurator (via REST) in order to be devops compliant and simplify some of the more complicated calc’s that would need to be done during and after gathering inputs.
Now, if we could only calculate mfg cost within the Enterprise configurator’s ‘sales’ company without having to reproduce the MOM inside the configurator… Having an external configurator with proper code-based capability of recursively transaversing the MOM dynamically to gather costs… now THAT would be something…
Not directly today but you do have access to a browser control. It would make the Configurator more “chatty” over the network if we called it often.
I don’t recall, can we read the “value” of the Browser control?