Configurator Grid Dataview

How do see that working, if we could read the ‘value’ ?

Let’s say you have an Epicor Function that validates a configuration item. You could set the URL by passing the parameters and call the EFx. It does its work and passes back a True or False or maybe a json string with values and a message. If you could get the value of the browser (the json string) then you could assign them to Inputs and do further work. You could also share code among configurators!

Hmm… ok, I see that now. I’m so far behind on this stuff lately!


A no inputs configurator has only document and method rules, no screen. So the method rules would fire during the get details, read the UD table and act accordingly.

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How do you read from a UD table in method rules / document rules??

Probably have more options if you’re not on the cloud I guess…


With cloud if you have advanced configurator rights you can do a LINQ against tables. It is a checkbox on the user security record, though they seem to move it around some. If you are multi-tenant than options are limited. I always cautioned against multi-tenant if you are going to use configurator as you are severely limited in what you can do. Not sure but going forward I think multi-tenant isn’t offered that much anymore.

Yep. Stuck on MT. I had gotten moving to public cloud approved but then they pulled the plug on me :man_shrugging:

Public Cloud/Dedicated Tenants - no problem.

Multi-Tenant SaaS :face_vomiting:


My condolences on being MT. Keep pushing to get off it, as a public service Epicor should do away with it proactively.


I keep hoping they will force us off MT, its the most likely way for us to move at this point :expressionless: