I’m looking for the best way forward. We currently have a customisation on Select Serial Numbers for Quantity Adjust, ContainerReceipt, DropShip, ReceiptEntry which allows us to upload a excel, csv and mass add SerialNumbers to the dataview Available
We are looking to implement this in Kinetic UI via Web Browser
I did look at the File Picker Client > File Transfer Erp but I don’t quite understand how I would pull the contents of xyz file into the slide out panel in the Kinetic UI
Oh come on Keeeeevin. I feel like you could have set this up yourself by now!
Create Layer > Add Button > OnClick Event > File Picker Client widget > Do the thing
@aarong once it’s on the server, you can use a function to process the data. Extract the data in the function and write to a dataset. Pass that dataset back to App Studio and assign it to the view.
Ok, here is what I did. I think it should be relatively simple here to call a function after this
to populate a dataview. @hmwillett can speak to that, I’m still mostly lost there.
I added a File Picker Client to the form.
It got the id erp-file-box-e7ec2
Set the EpiBinding on that to CallContextBpmData.Character01
(Shortchar01 may be too short sometimes)
Then I added a button to hang an event off of.
Added an on-click event, and chose the file-transfer-erp widget.
Choose Advanced → Param
Then chose Special Folder CompanyData
ServerPath: {CallContextBpmData.Character01}
Put in Company
Transfer Type upload
ErpFileBoxID: erp-file-box-e7ec2
And I tried it and it worked. File is there.
You should be able to hook into the OnSuccess event in the file-transfer-erp component
to do the rest.
Get a custom layer on Erp.UI.SelectSerialNumbersEntry.dll and have it actually WORK! - I have added 5 different layers… NONE OF THEM DISPLAY!! Just uses base…