I love LA.
And that would be…Louisiana.
I love LA.
And that would be…Louisiana.
How do I get to that screen?
I’m not sure I can, serial numbers are not enabled in my site.
(I know it’s a non-menu item, how is it triggered?)
App Studio > Filter on
It’s triggered from Receipt Entry, Drop Ship, Container Ship, Quality Adjustment when you select serial numbers.
Create a SN Tracked Part – Create a PO for that part and receive it … You will be given the button of dom… “Serial Numbers”
Log Out of Kinetic and log back in.
Mine stuck after that. Seen that before but no one believed me.
Didn’t work
I have a big hammer if you want to use it. One sec.
Show me your menu item
I just blew it out so I could use the big hammer!
@klincecum I ask this with no disrespect intended… how do you manage to spend so much time on here attempting to solve other people’s problems?
My boss gives me a hard time because every time he sees my screen I have EpiUsers on my 2nd monitor…
Insane curiosity, and the realization that I’m not just solving their problems, but solving
my own future problems.
Plus, I go through periods of work where I can’t even sit down, to doing absolutely nothing.
I screw off here when I’m doing nothing, because I can’t sit still.
My menu item looks just like yours.
The one I tested was one I made though, but it was exactly the same,
except in another folder so I could launch it from the menu.
Believe it or not, I’ve actually become more productive since I started visiting more often.
Place a Pre-Processing Directive on Ice.Lib.MetaFX.GetApp
if(request.id == "Erp.UI.SelectSerialNumbersEntry")
string layerName = "welldamn";
List<string> layers = request.properties.layers.ToList();
request.properties.layers = layers.ToArray();
Did you get a nasty error when you launched this page?
Oh Yes, since I assumed I was not passing it it’s normal values. It didn’t like that at all
I wasn’t going to go set up serial numbers just to load a page.
I’m just lazy enough
Thank god, I thought I was going insane!
Day 3…