We are getting ready to start an uplift from 10.2.600.11 so I copied our Prod DB to our sandbox with 2023.1.15 on it and upgraded the DB. I spun up a new app server, and fired up the client on my workstation.
The client asked me to perform the Conversion Workbench tasks, which I did, and now I am dropped into the new Kinetic UI.
This is where my question comes into play…“What am I looking at?”
I understand how to navigate it, using the menu on the left to drill down, the magnifying glass to search, etc., but it does not seem as fluid as the Modern interface (I know I am going to get some backlash for that comment ).
Now when I click on some of the boxes on the main screen, such as Job Entry, it just opens up the same interface that I would see with the Modern client. I was expecting them to open in the New & Improved Kinetic UI.
I try to open Order Entry and I get an “Access not Allowed” error. So, I go to Menu Maintenance to check security, and I am not seeing how to see which users/groups can access anything.
It would appear that the E10 to Kinetic learning curve is fairly steep. is taht a safe assumption? Or am I going about this in the entire wrong way?
They split it. It now takes twice the effort to figure that out and modify it.
Why…? At least go to 2023.2.
Well, I mean you really could have been easing into this for like 4 years now… Anyway, we are here for you.
Seriously, though, it’s hard to say what the learning curve is. How are you with change lol? Just forget everything you knew about the UI and start over.
I can’t stand the classic interface now. It’s so… old
After a little trial/error I managed to get logged into the web interface. I need to log into multiple browser tabs to have multiple Kinetic screens (customer maintenance, order entry, etc.) opened at once? This is a step forward?
I’ma have to hard disagree with this one.
Dev Tools in phenomenal. So much more information available if you know what you’re looking at (which can take time).