Auto Receive in Job entry but Job Receipt to Inventory not happened automatically

Auto receive check box has been enabled in the Job Operation but when the operation shows are completed it suppose to automatically processed the “Job Receipt to Inventory” transaction is not happening automatically in the system . Any thoughts ?

  1. Job Operation enabled “Auto receive checkbox”

Note: this kind of issue has been happening more often now days.

Version : 10.2.500.33

Check your Resource Groups and Resources. Auto Move needs to be check in there for the Auto Receive to do the transaction.



Hi Sott,

I have checked in resource group and resources have the check box enabled as “Auto Move”

Is there anything else do I need to check?

That is the only thing I have ever run into when Auto-Receive was not working. Have you check what Warehouse/Bin it supposed to be received to make sure there is nothing there. I am thinking if the Bin is Non-Nettable you cannot? Just a guess on my part.

I don’t know if this would be an issue, but there is not a start or due date on the operation. Has the job been scheduled. Also look at the labor transaction tab in job tracker for the quantity completed on the job.

I have checked in the labor transaction in job tracker. Qty completed.

What are all of the start/end activities after the completed. I would expect to see the completed at the last transaction or once completed the rest would also show completed. Even then each quantity should have a corresponding receipt. Below is a sample from my system.

Labor Trans
Mfg Receipts

Labor Qty 16

I clicked retrieve button on the Mfg Receipts nothing has come. Because Job Receipt to inventory does not happened automatically.

Posted timesheet entry

Please let me know if anything needs to check.

Does the Part have a default Warehouse and Bin assigned to it?

We were having that issue - the operator saw the “Request Move” box on the End Activity screen and starting checking the box. We don’t have AMM licensed, so the parts went into a black hole.
I did report it as a bug, but told it was working as designed.
In every case this has happened, we’ve gone to the operator and they’ve known they did it. Training resolved the issue for preventing in future. Manual Job Receipt to Inventory helped resolve the problem jobs.
I did ask for a customization to disable that check box in End Activity but it wasn’t approved. If you don’t have the strict rules governing putting in a customization and you find this would solve your issue - go for it.
Good luck!


Yes John, Part has a default warehouse and bin assigned in the master.

When are you setting the Auto Receive? Do you have it set at the BOM level or is it being set during job entry? If it is being set at Job entry I would enable the change log on that field and see if it is getting set before the labor transaction with qty is being reported.


Auto receive has set in the job as well, resource group and resource

As far as I know Auto receive can only set on the BOM or at the job level, not at the resource or resource group.

Do you have Auto Receive set here on the Method (BOM)?

Or are you setting it manually at time of job creation?

The resource groups we have are set up like this and work without any issues for auto receive.

If you are setting Auto Receive at the Job level I would enable the change log on that field and next time it doesn’t do what you want check the log to see if it was enabled before the labor transaction happened.

Yes. Auto receive check enabled in the BOM level, Resource group level, resource level and job level also

That is a different part number than what you started this thread with. Is your part 84228496 configured the same?

Same configuration

Hi there - I seem to be having the same issue however, the parts I am requesting (either manufactured or to be purchased) are being requested for inventory instead of being requested from a job.

The PO is received but the job created to get the part made is not received to inventory. I can receive it manually but that gets tedious when we have hundreds of parts we need to receive to inventory.

We are also facing the same issue with parts being req’d from a job - they’re being received but need to be manually received to the job demanding it in the first place.

I have auto-receive to inventory setup on the part level but that does not seem to be working.