ZoneBAQ Column Name column

Decide to revisit ZoneBAQ’s, and my first test yielded

Pretty much what I expected, except for the entries in the Column Name column. Why does it show the Alias instead of the Label from the BAQ?

My BAQ’s columns are:

So how to get the ZoneBAQ pop-up to display like:


(ignoring the background colors, obviously)

Hmmm… but when the field is blank (and Search is enabled), the pop-up shows the column Labels, and not the Aliases.

And don’t worry, P/N 5/16" RING TERMINAL is no longer active. Nor are part numbers like that allowed anymore.

And one last thing … Is there a keystroke equivalent to hovering over the ZoneBAQ area?

When it returns a single row then it will always show it in the Column Name style… you should be able to replicate this even if you return a single row with your BAQ.

You can’t change it, it is hardcoded in the ZonePopupManager class, like so:

results.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Column Name"), new DataColumn("Column Value") });



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