"You are not enabled for Epicor Mobile Framework"

This morning I deployed Epicor Mobile Access extension to see how well it worked on a mobile device. After deploying I went to the URL, added my user/pass, then got:

“You are not enabled for Epicor Mobile Framework”

Is this a licensing issue? In licensing, I see MobileConnectiOS and MobileConnectAndroid (both non-licensed). Is this why EMA gives me the error above?

Did you add the permission to your user account?


Okay, that got me in, but now I’m confused. I don’t see any forms (like order entry) in EMA. Is EMA only for custom-made web views? (and then EWA for the stock web views?).

I am sure someone will be able to correct me, but I thought mobile access was just a “framework” and you have to write the dashboard(s) you want.


I think it’s under dashboards, you can create one then deploy it to mobile devices…



This video is from 10.1 but it still applies. I’d take a look at this to get started. We found EMA to be limited out of the box and are using a 3rd party service for mobile access.

Yes, EMA is used to view dashboards that are created for Mobile Access through the Dashboard developer tool (under Tools > Generate Mobile Dashboard) in Epicor . Then on the mobile dashboard up go to Tools > Deploy Dashboard. Check Mobile Application and Available for Mobile Menu. Once deployed it those dashboards will show up in EMA.

Take a look at our Support Knowledge Base Article for Epicor Web Access.
KB0029436 - EWA - Can you access Epicor Web Access from a mobile device

EMA as you have experienced is designed for you to build out custom dashboards for deployment. It is an early foray into the web that still works fairly well for building your own elements out. But it is early. If you peer closely you can see that some elements their formed the roots of what has become the Kinetic Framework most visible in the home page in Epicor 10.2.x

In addition to this you should be aware that Epic has since created several dedicated mobile apps that can be purchased with specially designed UI’s but lack the customization EMA would give: Epicor Mobile CRM, Epicor Time Management, Epicor Expense Management - this are all role focused dedicated mobile apps. There may be more I am not aware of.

As a customer that uses Epicor Mobile CRM I would not recommend it in it’s current state. It’s buggy and the performance is terrible.

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Chadd - What issues are you seeing? When we demoed it internally, our travelling sales reps loved it, and didn’t mention poor performance. That was within our network, though…

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We are actually moving to another CRM due to the feedback from our sales reps. We did a demo and it looked good so we purchased it. But quicly after deploying it the negative feedback started rolling in.

I think the biggest issue is the lack of visibility in the app. There are a lot of things you can’t see from orders/quotes in the app. Things we thought were basic such as tracking numbers for shipments. The app also doesn’t work with the built-in sales rep security in E10. Some other issues include the geofencing and tasks.