Wrong PO price coming from RFQ (Supplier Price List)

We are using the Supplier Relationship Manager module. Users create a RFQ, enter Supplier Price (effectively supplier price list) and then creates a PO.

Majority of parts that are used in RFQ are Parts on the Fly. Majority of them are unique - except for some. These are the ones I have an issue with.

For example, part S-SH-SS-M8x30 has been put on a number of different RFQ’s.

The first Supplier Price List entered (via RFQ - Supplier Response) for part S-SH-SS-M8x30 was $0.2062.

In subsequent RFQ’s, we have put a different price into the Supplier Price List when entering the RFQ - Supplier Response), then convert it to a PO - we still get $0.2062 on the PO, instead of the different price entered against the RFQ.

Any suggestions how we can address this?

When you enter a price in the Supplier Price List screen from a supplier response, set the Expire Date to a date a week or so hence. Long enough for the PO to be sent, but short enough that it won’t interfere with future RFQs.

Thanks Ernie - RFQ is an area that Epicor could make a few improvements.