One of our associates received parts into an inspection bin. The part is ALTPC-2536-WM-P. The Warehouse is CA. The bin is CA-INSP. Normally all inventory is received into CA-STK. How can I get this inventory (84 pieces) out of inspection and into CA-STK? Need inventory to ship today.

@tsantaniello Inventory transfer

Is the quantity actually in ‘Inspection’ or is the quantity in ‘On-Hand’ but just located in a bin that is usually designated for inspection?

Bin names are purely that… only a name. You happen to have a bin called inspection, but it is just like any other bin… you can also put items that are TRULY in Inspection into “regular” bins. This is often done where companies dont have room in a special bonded inspection location (larger items). The inspector instead goes out to the part in the location where it was put.
As someone above suggested, if it is not really in inspection, then you can simply move it.

I’m pretty sure this is totally not the issue, but…

Was the “Warehouse Type” ever implemented? I see there’s an option for “Quality” as a type.

I don’t have “Advanced Package Control” so I can’t test it.
