WIPQty + OnHand Qty

I am trying to add the two fields above. In some cases the WIPQty is what I am assuming is “blank”. If the field is blank I would like the BAQ to treat it as a “0” and add for example 99 + 0 = 99.

What do I need to do to the blank field in order for the calculation to treat it as a “0”?

Once again, thank you so much for your help!

In the calculated field, test the WIP-qty first like

(case when Is Null(WIPqty) then 0 else WIPqty end) + OnHandQty

That’s off the top of my head. Use the helpers in the BAQ Calculated field editor.

A bit shorter but maybe harder to read if you aren’t used to it:

isnull(WIPQty, 0) + OnHandQty

IsNull() will return the first value unless it is null, then it will return the second value.


I understand what both of you are saying and I have tried both solutions, but I’m not sure I explained myself sufficiently.

Right now I have a Subquery that sums the WIPQty and a Subquery that sums the OnHand Qty and a third Subquery that adds the two together.

I’ve tried adding the code mentioned in both your posts at the Subquery level of WIPQty and when that didn’t seem to work I added the code to the 3rd subquery where I am adding the two together. Neither seemed to work.

Perhaps one of you can tell me what I’m missing?

Thank you for your patience!

I don’t know if the code here will help you understand what I’m doing - but here it is. Unfortunately I am only familiar with BAQ Designer and not so much the code.

	[Part].[PartNum] as [Part_PartNum],
	[Part].[NonStock] as [Part_NonStock],
	[Part].[ProdCode] as [Part_ProdCode],
	[PartPlant].[MinimumQty] as [PartPlant_MinimumQty],
	[PartPlant].[MinMfgLotSize] as [PartPlant_MinMfgLotSize],
	[SubQuery3].[Calculated_OnHand] as [Calculated_OnHand],
	[SubQuery2].[Calculated_WipQty] as [Calculated_WipQty],
	[SubQuery5].[Calculated_Total] as [Calculated_Total]
from Erp.Part as Part
left outer join  (select 
	[Part1].[PartNum] as [Part1_PartNum],
	[JobProd].[WIPQty] as [JobProd_WIPQty],
	(sum( JobProd.WIPQty )) as [Calculated_WipQty]
from Erp.Part as Part1
inner join Erp.JobHead as JobHead on 
	Part1.Company = JobHead.Company
	and Part1.PartNum = JobHead.PartNum
	and ( JobHead.JobClosed <> TRUE  and JobHead.JobReleased = Yes  )

inner join Erp.JobProd as JobProd on 
	JobHead.Company = JobProd.Company
	and JobHead.JobNum = JobProd.JobNum
where (Part1.InActive = NO)
group by [Part1].[PartNum],
	[JobProd].[WIPQty])  as SubQuery2 on 
	SubQuery2.Part1_PartNum = Part.PartNum
left outer join  (select 
	[Part2].[PartNum] as [Part2_PartNum],
	(sum( PartBin.OnhandQty )) as [Calculated_OnHand]
from Erp.Part as Part2
inner join Erp.PartBin as PartBin on 
	Part2.Company = PartBin.Company
	and Part2.PartNum = PartBin.PartNum
	and ( not PartBin.BinNum like '%MRB'  )

where (Part2.InActive = NO)
group by [Part2].[PartNum])  as SubQuery3 on 
	SubQuery3.Part2_PartNum = Part.PartNum
inner join Erp.PartPlant as PartPlant on 
	Part.Company = PartPlant.Company
	and Part.PartNum = PartPlant.PartNum
left outer join Erp.PartDtl as PartDtl on 
	Part.Company = PartDtl.Company
	and Part.PartNum = PartDtl.PartNum
left outer join Erp.Customer as Customer on 
	Customer.Company = PartDtl.Company
	and Customer.CustNum = PartDtl.CustNum
left outer join  (select 
	[Part3].[PartNum] as [Part3_PartNum],
	(Isnull(SubQuery21.Calculated_WipQty,0) + (SubQuery31.Calculated_OnHand)) as [Calculated_Total],
	[SubQuery21].[Calculated_WipQty] as [Calculated_WipQty],
	[SubQuery31].[Calculated_OnHand] as [Calculated_OnHand]
from Erp.Part as Part3
inner join  (select 
	[Part1].[PartNum] as [Part1_PartNum],
	[JobProd].[WIPQty] as [JobProd_WIPQty],
	(sum( JobProd.WIPQty )) as [Calculated_WipQty]
from Erp.Part as Part1
inner join Erp.JobHead as JobHead on 
	Part1.Company = JobHead.Company
	and Part1.PartNum = JobHead.PartNum
	and ( JobHead.JobClosed <> TRUE  and JobHead.JobReleased = Yes  )

inner join Erp.JobProd as JobProd on 
	JobHead.Company = JobProd.Company
	and JobHead.JobNum = JobProd.JobNum
where (Part1.InActive = NO)
group by [Part1].[PartNum],
	[JobProd].[WIPQty])  as SubQuery21 on 
	SubQuery21.Part1_PartNum = Part3.PartNum
inner join  (select 
	[Part2].[PartNum] as [Part2_PartNum],
	(sum( PartBin.OnhandQty )) as [Calculated_OnHand]
from Erp.Part as Part2
inner join Erp.PartBin as PartBin on 
	Part2.Company = PartBin.Company
	and Part2.PartNum = PartBin.PartNum
	and ( not PartBin.BinNum like '%MRB'  )

where (Part2.InActive = NO)
group by [Part2].[PartNum])  as SubQuery31 on 
	SubQuery31.Part2_PartNum = Part3.PartNum
where (Part3.InActive = NO)
group by [Part3].[PartNum],
	[SubQuery31].[Calculated_OnHand])  as SubQuery5 on 
	SubQuery5.Part3_PartNum = Part.PartNum
where (Part.InActive = NO  and Part.ProdCode like '%PAR'  and Part.NonStock <> TRUE)
group by [Part].[PartNum],

When you say “Doesn’t work” what exactly do you mean? Does it return the wrong answer? Or throw an error?

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Actually I just got it to work as far as at least giving me a total with or without an onhand qty or wipqty by using the joins correctly!

**OH Qty   WIP Qty  Total**
    10		10		20
    10		 		10
     		10		10

I was expecting the previous suggestions to return a ‘0’ rather than null.

**OH Qty   WIP Qty   Total**
    10		10		  20
    10		0		  10
    0		10		  10

I have one part that is not “summing” correctly - not sure what that is all about but I’m digging in.

Thank you for looking at my issue - I appreciate the gesture!

In the lower subs that total QOH and WIPQty, make the calculated field that sums, to be like

isnull(SUM(whatever_field_you_are_summing_to_get_the_total), 0)

Then that sub will return a zero even when no records found.

Then in your “top” query, you can just reference that sub’s calculated field. No need to check for null, asit will always have a value.

Perfect - Thank you so much it all makes sense now!

You’re awesome!!!