WildCard Certificates for RESTAPI

has any one used a wild card certificate for e10 im trying to get this working for our production and we keep getting a invalid cn name on the site when we connect. That is also giving us a error message for our excel connections for odata as well.

Is your wildcard is for same level as you are trying to connect?
Like *.Company.com and you are connecting my.company.com and not some.domain.company.com?

My certificate is setup as *.Company.Com

Host is ComputerName.SubDomain.CompanyDomain.com

I think your cert must explicitly contain


Here is how wildcard is set for Azure web sites -

Subject Alternative Name contains both *.azurewebsites.net and *.scm.azurewebsites.net


I had one and was trying to get Mobile CRM working - turns out it wouldn’t
so i purchase a certificate for the server (only) and it worked straight away.