Why would UD12 Adapter work for me but not other users

We have a customization that was developed by an outside firm and I’m finding that I can use it and it works fine. But when another user tries it, it does not allow them to save. What should I be looking for?

Here’s where the adapter is writing to the UD12 table.

	private void dgvProductCategory_CellChange(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellEventArgs args)
		UD12Adapter adUD12 = new UD12Adapter(oTrans);
						edvCustomer.dataView[edvCustomer.Row]["CustNum"].ToString(), "", "", "");

		string Name = args.Cell.Column.Key;
		string Value = args.Cell.Text;

		if(args.Cell.Column.Index == 1)
			adUD12.UD12Data.UD12[0]["CheckBox" + (args.Cell.Row.Index + 1).ToString("00")] = bool.Parse(args.Cell.Text);

		if(args.Cell.Column.Index == 2)
			adUD12.UD12Data.UD12[0]["Date" + (args.Cell.Row.Index + 1).ToString("00")] = DateTime.Parse(args.Cell.Text);

		if(args.Cell.Column.Index == 3)
			adUD12.UD12Data.UD12[0]["CheckBox" + (args.Cell.Row.Index + 7).ToString("00")] = bool.Parse(args.Cell.Text);

		if(args.Cell.Column.Index == 4)
			adUD12.UD12Data.UD12[0]["Date" + (args.Cell.Row.Index + 7).ToString("00")] = DateTime.Parse(args.Cell.Text);


Did it give you an error message, or just fail silently?

I would start by looking at security settings for that user. Perhaps a critical option is disabled. Could be and option like BPM advanced user, BAQ advanced user, or a security group is blocking them.


OK. I was kind of wondering if there was a setting somewhere on the user that would do something like this. The update is not happening via BAQ or BPM… but those are easy enough to try.

Since it has to do with customers, I’d look into the ways that security around Territories seems to trump all others.


never mind. I see that you’re not actually querying customer tables

edit #2

Through in some debugging - like showing a message when that function is entered. Then see if your users are even getting message. If they are, move it down the code until they don’t see it.

Also check in Menu Maintenace. Look at the UD dashboard menu item and the security applied there.

Unbelievable. It’s Field Level Security for those specific fields on the UD table. Marked as Read Only. But I’m a Security Manager so I can still edit them.

Oh, the tangled web we weave.


I just had this conversation about documentation needs at work Friday.
Thanks for the push.

As I’ve been reviewing our customizations while we are working toward upgrading to Kinetic, I wonder if it would be easier to tie the solutions together if I had a User Defined column on the various tables that control our custom solutions… Similar to the Group on BPMs so that I could include BAQs, customizations, reports, dashboards, UD tables, and so on. Ever do something or consider something like that?

No but I’ll think about it at lunch. Maybe before I get back someone will chime in with
some brilliant insights or built in functionality we lack knowledge on.

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