Why doesn't Epicor migrate all RDDs to BAQs?

Is there some advantage to RDDs over BAQs?

Up until recently you couldn’t have multiple BAQ’s in a single Report. (BAQ Report)

They introduced this functionality recently, so my gut tells me they are headed in this direction .


“Multiple BAQ’s in a single report”… do reports currently allow for multiple RDDs?

How would it work with the reports that need to run the Posting Rules?

No but an RDD can have multiple tables , records… which you can’t really do in a single BAQ.

Ahh… so when a BAQ-based report is generated, only one temp table is built? But when a RDD-based report is generated, multiple temp tables are built?


However, reading between the lines at Insights, I think this is something that Epicor is looking at being able to do - link multiple BAQs as if they were tables. Doesn’t the Compliance Reporting Engine supposed to do this already?

Mark W.

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Yeah they already added this feature, just not part of the standard core (yet) I’m guessing it’ll get there.

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