Where used reports

Is there anything available in E10 that you can run that will list where in the menu a report is being used?

Thank you,


Not natively (to the best of my knowledge).

I have an excel file that queries tables for things like Reports and Menus.

Reports queries tables: Report, ReportStyle, ReportStyleRule, RptDataDef, etc…
Menus queries the Menu table (several times as the ParentMenuID points MenuID of another record in the same table)

In the Menu table, Arguments Field can be used to determine which customization the menu item uses.

Thank you Calvin,

That is probably what I will do, create an excel file and go from there.
Just thought I would check in case something were added in E10 that would do this for us.

Have a good day!


Hey Carol,

Actually, there is a menu search that is built into the Modern Shell that searches all Menu space BASED on the user’s access:

Works pretty well.

Mark W.

Thank you Mark!
We are still on 9.05.701, however, we have an E10 test environment and I can use that search feature to see if reports are being used. If not, I can delete them and not bring them over. Great tool!!