We have multiple sites, but all Order entry and manufacturing is done at site A.
When a order release is set to ship from a warehouse in site B (for an item manufactured in site A), what’s the most straight forward way that site B can find out that they need to make create a TO to get the parts from site A?
Currently we have the Order Entry people create the TO right after entering the order. But we’d like to push that to the people in site B, to generate the TO request. Then site A will make the job to fulfill it.
And I’m looking for a canned report or dashboard that shows items requiring a transfer order. I picture the flow to be:
Order entry creates order with a manufactured part (which is only mfg’d in plant A), to be shipped from a warehouse in plant B. This is most likely a MTO part, w/o a part master entry.
A part master record is created for the part, for both plants A and B.
Plant B determines they will need the part from plant A and create a TO
Plant A has a new demand (the TO) for the mfg’d part, and creates a make to inventory job
Plant A makes the part and receives it to plant A’s inventory
Plant A creates a TO Shipment against the TO from step 3 above.
Plant B receives the TO, and the part goes into their inventory.
Step 1 and 2 kind of need to be iterative. It’s a part derived from the configurator, so part details don’t exist until it’s entered on the order. And not every configuration becomes a part. Only the ones we need to do a transfer order for.
I’m embarassed to say but our sales orders have lots of non-tanigle lines, and they never get cleaned up or closed out. I just ran the Time phase for site B - which does no production - and it was almost 300 pages long.
I believe that the Fulfillment Workbench might do what I want, but we don’t have Adv Material Mng module.
We do run MRP so I’m not sure if my response will be helpful, but some thoughts…
I think the transfer order workbench is not useful for you as that handles transfer suggestions, made by MRP.
Is that empty for you?
To evaluate what’s in system for transfer orders now, the PartDtl table might be useful, with filter for Type TO or the TF header and Detail tables.
To evaluate what’s needed to transfer, perhaps use a running total on demand for transfer parts from PartDtl?
Yes there are lots of ways to do it by looking under the hood (BAQ’s, Dashboards etc…). But I was wondering what the “built-in” method Epicor had in mind.
For us an a report that shows the open shipments would kind of work, as all the parts we need to do TO’s for have a distinct P/N format. But that doesn’t indicate that a TO needs to be created.
I guess Time Phased report would show if demand from a part to be shipped from stock was existed.
We put our Transfer Order Workbench in the menu as well. All of the transfer order program interfaces are a little wonky. I wonder if they had a different dev team on that or what. We put an embedded dashboard in there to show the demand and safety information as well as in transit, per screenshot, to provide better ability for users to evaluate the transfer suggestion (new) without opening timephase. We do not use transfer change suggestions well at all… Also, sometimes in transit seems to get counted sometimes not, it might be a function of being below safety already or going below it during transfer, I cannot remember the details.