Where to customizations get saved(filesystem vs database)?

We are reviewing our backup policies and we’re not sure where the customizations reside so we’re not sure if they get saved in our backup of the database or full backup of our VM.

Customizations live in the database, so if you are taking a snapshop of the DB VM and I assume the data is in there, it would exist there. Taking database backups (in addition to VM snapshots) is also a critical part of your strategy

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We have both types of backups, database backups are more frequent that VM snapshot so it’s good to know what lives where so we know frequently we backup what. Thanks!!!

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I’ve found it to be a good and a bad thing, tbh. It makes things like using git for customizations very complex, but also much easier for having them kept in the database

Personally, I like to export them (for each version of Epicor/K21) and keep them in source control.

Again, it would be nice to have the Git hash to appear as they are imported. (We do develop them in a Dev environment and not in Product, right?)

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@Mark_Wonsil I would love to hear more about how you are getting your customizations into Git, one of my biggest complaints about Epicor development is not having version control…