Where is the Configurator Information Stored?


New to Configurator. Was wondering, when a quote is created and part configured on it, where was the configurator information stored at (specific tables, etc)?

How does the part on the Quote know it has been configured and what specific configuration to use?
Specifically, is there a place in a table that tells the quote that the part has been configured and what configuration it uses?

What I am asked to do is see if I can pull the info out and print it on the quote, formatted to look good.

Anybody have any ideas?

I appreciate any help you can give.



@shobdy - this is a dark deep hole :slight_smile: Search here some more and you should find a number of discussions about where the data is and why it’s a problem. If your configurator is simple, this might be easier than for most of us.

There are a handful of tables starting with PC - and there are a few you are looking for - PCValueSet for instance. The data you want is stored in an XML blob per page of your configurator. 5 pages - 5 lines with an XML blob for each.

This is tied to Quotedtl , using a few fields including groupseq. That is also tied to Part and PartRev to determine the configurator, part type and other things. Plus Qutoedtl has some ‘configured’ fields.

Now, Epicor has provided a small headstart on this by including a view in the database called PcInputValue but you MUST provide a where clause using GroupSeq and Inputname(s) or you get a whole lot of other data.

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I think in @shobdy’s version, they brought PcInputValue in as a table in the BAQ. I know in my version it is not available. I know I was looking forward to being able to interact with it when we upgrade.

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If you need to push configuration data into SSRS or display it in the UI, I’d definitely look at adding UD fields on QuoteDtl/OrderDtl and using Configurator Document Rules to write the data. Then it is trivial to work with, in contrast to the nightmare of a time you might have trying to get PcInputValue or PcValueSet into SSRS.


I whole-heartedly agree with this approach. We’ve been doing that and it works like a charm.

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