Where is Epicor DB is job "make to order", "make to stock" flags? I can't find them

I’m trying to create a report that will sort the jobs by their “type”. Where in the Epicor database do these “make to order”, “make to stock” flags exist? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

There’s (I think) a calculated field: JobProd.MakeToType that looks at the various flags on Order releases, etc.

If you’re building a BAQ, I generally use a calculated field:

(case when JobProd.OrderNum>0 then 'Order' else 'Stock' end)

EDIT: I guess this may not take into account job-to-job links… We don’t use those often, if at all, but I would assume the below might work to catch those:

(case when JobProd.OrderNum>0 then 'Order' 
when JobProd.JobNum>0 then 'Job' 
else 'Stock' end)

Not sure how the system handles a job-to-job link where the parent job is linked to an order… haha. But I’m sure that’s doable with more where clauses.


OrderRel.Make. This flag only exists for the demand, not for the job.

The quantity on a job can have multiple links/destinations.

As @dcamlin touched on, this data lives in the JobProd table. There is not a DB field that specifically states what the demand type is, but you can infer it based on the existence of a demand link to an order or job, etc.