Where are calculated fields stored in the DB?

I’m going to let the screen shot do all the talking. Where do you find what’s below?

There is not a DMT for the calculated expression that you can assign to a Dynamic Attribute Class (AUOM). I’ve traced and found the BO, but still no idea where the data is ending up in the DB.

You are wanting to know where the formula is stored?



Thanks @Patrick , but it does not appear to be stored there.

We have a BAQ on this as I can’t always remember formula - the calculation is in the Formula field.

[QueryField].[QueryID] as [QueryField_QueryID],
[QueryField].[FieldName] as [QueryField_FieldName],
[QueryField].[FieldLabel] as [QueryField_FieldLabel],
[QueryField].[FieldFormat] as [QueryField_FieldFormat],
[QueryField].[DataType] as [QueryField_DataType],
[QueryField].[IsCalculated] as [QueryField_IsCalculated],
[QueryField].[Formula] as [QueryField_Formula]
from Ice.QueryField as QueryField
where (QueryField.IsCalculated = true)

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This is for AUOM, not a query.

If no one knows the answer, any suggestions on where to look? I am guessing it is probably a system table (ICE)?

To my knowledge, the formula is stored in the Formula field of the Ice.QueryField table as @Patrick said.

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@Doug.C , the field I am looking for is part of AUOM, it is not part of a query.

@jkane Maybe you can use the sp below and find part of the equation assuming it is text. I have used it to find where data is stashed a few times, so hopefully it work.

SearchAll.sql (2.0 KB)

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@gpayne , thanks but I can’t use it since I am Cloud. :frowning_face:

Sorry, I don’t have AUOM so I can’t search for it.

Formula field in [Erp].[DynAttrClassField] table. And FullExpression field in the same table.


Hmm that field is blank on our DB or cloud isn’t allowed to see the table data.

@olga, I don’t see the table DynAttrClassField as a choice in BAQ Designer. I have these:


Yes, that is the DynAttrClass table and the field help says that column is obsoleted.

This is because it is not in ZData, so you can only access it using external BAQ


Thanks @Olga



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