Where are C# programs located on the server


I’m getting started with Visual Studio and ICE to develop custom C# programs (electronic interfaces). Where are such programs stored on our servers? We’re a single-tenant hosted client.

Hi @LeonFeder
They are in the EpicorDeployment folder (in the Epicor Server)

Thanks. I’ll assume, since I can’t see anything below “wwwroot” that I’m restricted.

Yup :slight_smile:
Though in hosted SaaS they may not have it in C:\ drive.

I am using 10.1.500. I am not able to see the files. Where are they for my version?

Launch IIS on your application server, and you should be to find the actual path to


A lot of people do not install it in C:

Thank you very much, Toby.
I got it.