When Cloud printing goes down, is there a way to send an alert email to Epicor Support automatically?

The printing wasn’t working this morning at 7am and was down for about an hour.
After I submitted a case (and called), the issue was resolved.

Has anyone figured out how an email can be trigger to send a note to Epicor to tell them to make the printers?

In suggesting this, if the task agent is down, would an email actually work?

It seem really odd that I have had to contact Epicor support to have them restart the task agent. Doesn’t SaaS mean Software as a Service?

Any comments on this topic are welcomed.

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This keeps happening to us as well. We were told Epicor is working on a solution that will allow SaaS customers to restart the Task Agent. No timeline was given.

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There’s an Idea out there for it, but if they’re already working on it, you may want to save your vote(s).

And remember, only you can prevent dumpster fires.

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I was told they already monitor the task agent continuously and are aware when it fails. Doesn’t add up though if people are still having to notify support for it to get fixed.

In any case we have a solution to notify ourselves when our task agent is down but I bet it could be adapted to work for cloud customers. We run a scheduled task to run a ps script that looks for: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Kinetic.ice.SysAgentSched WHERE SchedType=‘Immed’ And DATEDIFF(SS,NextRunOn,GetDATE())>20"

In other words, immediate run requests sitting in scheduled. And then email if there are any. I bet you could write an Epicor function that checks that table and sends an email, and put it on a schedule to run every 10 minutes or whatever.

SaaSS - Software as a Service, Somtimes


Back to isn’t this a Service that Epicor is providing?

When ever I print from QuickBooks - it just works.

The fix is not to restart the Task Agent by the user, the system should just work.

But - I have been told by an Epicor Director “Software is not perfect”

Not even in the same league.

I agree with you here though, but I also know “Software is not perfect”.

BTW, we are dealing with the same issues lately. Frustrating AF.

You guys have two printing hiccups today too?

I think scheduled functions are run via the task agent.

Oh good point, you could still check it externally using a scheduled task with rest though.

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This is what they call observability - looking at the system from the outside to determine its health. There is a DevOps Idea for those with votes available.

I tried to check if I could even see it…

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer '.'. 
This operation might require other privileges.

W’ell have to wait for them on this one.

@Mark_Wonsil +1 for Security :tada:

Today from 7:11am to 8:11 Central we were not able to print.
The error was:
“Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask when executing task 1079930 raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Too Busy.”

I just checked with the attached BAQ. We had 58 cases today, most in the morning, but also right after lunch.

TaskAgent.baq (19.4 KB)

I don’t show any errors during the time we had problems.
Probably fighting different things. (Yes I removed the filters to double check)