What is the Best Way to Process Credit Cards through Accounts Payable

I was asked to look into the Accounts Payable process within Epicor, and honestly I am not very familiar with this module. One of the issues that we are facing are the different methods of payments, check, credit card, and ACH. The only payment method that we currently have setup is checks, we would like to setup credit cards and ACH. I am not sure how to go about this. Here is our current method for credit cards…

To make credit card purchases

  1. Send a list of invoices and prices to our supplier via email.
  2. After supplier confirmation, we enter an invoice (Invoice Entry) to the credit card company, and a debit (Invoice Entry) to the supplier to counteract the original invoice to the supplier.
  3. Then we use Apply Debit Memo, and enter all the invoices we paid for against the debit memo to clear them out of the system.

This seems to be the hard way to do it. Does any one have a good way to process credit card payments within the Epicor Accounts Payable module?
