What does the MES ‘Start Rework’ button do (or differently from ‘Start Production’)? There’s nothing in field help, and the Embedded Education documents don’t touch on this either.
Does it tag the labor hours with something? Send it to a different GL? Not consume inventory when you End Activity?
There’s a binary yes/no Rework field in the LaborDtl table, plus a ReworkReasonCode in the same table. Creating a rework labor entry will flag it as rework and require the user to enter the reason code.
It doesn’t really do anything beyond flagging those items for later analysis. We don’t really use them, since we have the QC module and flow things through nonconformance/DMR which collects the same data. If your process allows for shop workers to clock back into to the op to re-do whatever they missed the first time, and you care about that data, then by all means use it.
we use it when work has to be done to the product that wasnt done as part of the normal assembly line process. its good to capture the amount of labor hours are being done outside of the normal process.
We are using it, we have several rework codes for shop employees.
We do not have the QA module, so we use rework activities to record things like damaged / bad parts from suppliers, extra assembly labor for part design / engineering / machine operator problems, etc.
We have a BPM that requires labor notes for all rework activities, and they all get reviewed regularly in staff meetings, job cost analysis, plant efficiency analysis, etc.
Right now, we run a production job, if the stuff from that job winds up being bad, we put it through the NCF process, but we create a new job to make the part again. I would like to stop doing that and rather re-do the old job and mark it as re-work. The purpose being it would be nice to know how many times we have to make the same job twice.
The upside of your current process is that you can actually schedule time for the rework jobs. In terms of tracking how many times pieces went through the system, you can discern that from transaction history. Though, for convenience, we also suffix the job# to indicate the origin. Literally the only exception I make to the “don’t make the jobnum a magic code” rule.
Hi All, I’m the Epicor Learning Content Development Manager for Manufacturing. I have investigated this and you can find Help content on the Start Rework button in the Starting and Ending Activities article in the Kinetic Online Help.
To access the help article, either type in Data Collection in the Help & Support panel and select the article in the search results or select another article to open the Help and navigate to the Data Collection > Daily Processing section of the help.
There is also a workshop that includes the Data Collection Start Rework button in the Hands-On - Quality Assurance hands-on exercise.
Can the help article be expanded to show what ‘Start Rework’ does differently compared to ‘Start Production’?
Any chance that Kinetic 2022.2 has indexed the help articles, where entering the term in the first search box can find the relevant article? (Not needing to open help, select an article to open the browser help, then get to the real article).
Searching for ‘Rework’ in the first search box does not bring up the Starting and Ending Activities article in the Kinetic Online Help.