Website Software / Service Connect

What website building software do people use for creating their websites, that will also work with Service Connect to automatically generate the orders in Epicor?

We have about 35,000 different part numbers, all with at least 10 different search criteria and pictures. Our website was created over 10 years ago, and is past due for an upgrade.

There is no “NATIVE” website building software (short of ECC… which is a whole different animal) that will automatically work with service connect. Service connect consumes “DATA SOURCES” where that DATA comes from it doesn’t care.

So you can use any platform you’d like as long as you have a way to export or push data out of it in any of the Service Connect Friendly formats.

Awesome, thank you!

Out of curiosity what is ECC?

I’ve written web services that are called by websites. These web services can then either write the file that will be picked up by Service connect or they can call the Epicor business objects.

Jim Rogers

Hi Jim,
I’m trying to access the web services as described in the wcf developers guide, but I am getting what appears to be a client/endpoint mismatch when I call the session client login method. It sounds like you’ve had luck working with the web services. Do you have any examples or tips that you might be able to point me to?
I’d appreciate any help, thanks!

Endpoint mismatch is generally just that - the client is talking one binding and the server expecting another. Make sure they are the same (And you are pointing at the correct url instead of a different deployment - happens too often not to mention it).

Also, don’t forget the new REST functionality if you are playing in web pages.

The exact error is “Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service http://servername/Epicor10DEV/Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc. The client and service bindings may be mismatched.” Assuming the path is correct, it seems like there may be an issue with the content type being sent to the service.
The documentation is from 2014, so not sure if it’s still current. Have you run into this before?

As Bart mentioned review Rest and certainly get a demo of ECC because that is built on top of magento and a good replacement.
ECC had some teathing problems to begin with but is now impressive on E10
This is a real site using ECC with E10

Also another option is to leverage the ECC messaging this is more advanced but we have some customers doing it.

Hope that helps.

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