Working on two way integration project receiving data from Big Commerce to E10 and then pushing data back. BC has webhooks so that side is no problem. Event monitoring on the E10 would be much simpler with webhooks.
You can build out your own webhooks via a UD table and write events to that table inside of Epicor. It would be nice if it weren’t such a custom solution, but it does work well.
Thanks for the reply, that’s my fall back position.
First - welcome to!
second - can I ask what version you are currently running? In 10.2.500 we added the stealth service and UI on top of what has mostly been an internal implementation of CDC (Change Data Capture). Stealth because the rules engine was not fully built out so it was only consumed by Epicor Collaborate.
In 10.2.600 we have built out the rules portion and we can now add subscribers! A high level summary of what this is:
- CDC track changes at the database level
- When those changes meet your rule generate a message (either a custom message or raw json data of the row)
- Configure your subscriber to either Push or Pull - Push means you give us a webhook and we’ll process the changes and notify you of them as they are processed. Pull means you will call into the service and ask for sets of changes on your own schedule.
I think this is exactly what your looking for but since 10.2.600 has not shipped yet you cannot immediately take advantage of it. However if you do have 10.2.500 you can read up on the help and get a feel for what is coming.
When I was looking into CDC, I got nervous about potential performance impacts. Are these founded?
We’re running 10.2.500.09, and what your describing would work for us. I do have some concerns though. The last time I played with CDC,I had problems with the change marking process stalling causing problems with the Log Truncation Process. If changes need to be marked for capture but the process stops running or stalls then your logs cannot be truncated.
Nothing is ever free of course but this is not expected to be a significant performance issue. WE have seen them show up in a problem list in cases where a SQL server and its temp DB are already overload and failing out. In these cases you see cascading issues with CDC triggers. But to date in normal operation we have not found any reported performance issues with the CDC triggers in normal operations on a server that is not already being pushed to its limits.
Are you talking about SQL servers implementation of CDC or Epicor’s? We have a specific implementation of CDC that does not use any of the SQL Server features, we self manage it. This was primarily done years ago because of the Microsoft SQL Server SKU requirement to acquire CDC support were beyond the budget of many of our customers.
We have not seen any impact as you mention, but I am interested in learning a bit more so we can research it if it was Epicor’s CDC implementation you were playing with. Prior to 10.2.600 that would require manual manipulation of DB tables and we definitely would not encourage that, but it could have been what you did
Sorry, I dropped off the face of the earth for a while. I was talking about Microsoft implementation of CDC.