We need help Blank Title 95301

Hi everyone. If you could pass this on to anyone who might be interested we're in need of help. We are a small manufacturing business located in Albion, MI (lower central MI) and we've recently moved over the Epicor 9. It looks as though our IT person is going to be on some medical leave for a while and we're barely staying afloat. We've been having tons of issues with the conversion and a recent patch installation just made things worse and while we've been working with an outside firm we need someone in-house to help with Vista and other general IT support issues. If you know of someone who might be interested in some temporary work and has experience with Epicor products that would be great! If anyone is interested email me directly and I'll pass your info along. edobbinsverbeke@...

Thank you in advance for your help.

Emily Dobbins-Verbeke