Warehouse got assigned wrong

Ok, here is strange one and I am not even sure how it could have happened. We have multiple plants under one company. I have a warehouse from plant B got assigned to a part under plant A. Not even functionally possible. The warehouse only exists in plant B and is not a shared warehouse. I can’t remove it because of transactions…not sure if it is really a transaction issue in plant A or if it is seeing the transactions from Plant B. It is causing some inventory confusion.

Thanks Kim

You will need to review the PartTran data for the part to make sure the Plant and warehouse are properly aligned.
The only times I can thing of that this type of association can be made is:

  1. Shared warehouses are enabled in Plant Config.
  2. Some weird jacked up DMT load


my worry was an error on a DMT load but i didn’t think i updated anything recently that would have affected this. I know that the Shared ware house is not enabled.

thanks Kim

I looked in Part Tran and the warehouse in question doesn’t show under that part and plant. Any ideas how to remove it?

I have seen this when a Job material has the wrong warehse. Then I see the PartWhse table showing demand. Once I fix the job, I run FixAllPlantWhse.r and sometimes it fixes the Part Tracker


I looked at the JobMtl Table and I see the part but none to the wrong warehouse. Problem is this part could be in multiple plants and warehouses. I must be missing something on Job Mtl table. can you point me in the correct directions.

Do a query in JobMtl for the PN and display the Mtl Warehouse. You can also do a query on the PO Rel…

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Ok so I was correct on my JobMtl pull I did but i don’t see any issues. The correct plants on the jobs match the correct warehouse code. I haven’t checked the PO Rel yet.

this is the warehouse that is wrong in Epicor.

I usually find the problem before any transaction, so I am able to change it on the job. Since there is a transaction already, I am not sure if you can remove the warehouse from the plant record.

That is what I was afraid of