I see the same warehouse in different plants, for a many part numbers, it casuses confusion to the final user because it shows in parttracker too.
I can´t find the origin of this issue. The data duplicate it’s in the PlantWhse Table.
Does anyone else have this problem?
We don’t use shared warehouses.
How JobMaterial could duplicate the warehouse, until yesterday we don’t have this issue.
Epicor send me a data fix it’s a know issue.
KB0040162 - Delete PlantWhse if its Plant and WarehouseCode cannot be found in Warehse
for FX_Del_PlantWhse.df
Duplicated records found under On Hand -> Bins tab in Part Tracker
Request Fix Program FX_Del_PlantWhse from solution 17079ESC.
This program will Delete PlantWhse for the selected records
This program selects PlantWhse record if its Plant and WarehouseCode cannot be found
in Warehse
This is a generic fix program. No parameter data is required to request the fix.
The person that runs the fix will need to enter the Company, Plant and WarehouseCode
to process on the fix program screen. This data can be found on the PlantWhse table.
All can be specified for Company, Plant and WarehouseCode on the fix program screen.
VERSION: 10.1.500.19
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