Wandering what solutions anyone uses to offer customers the ability to generate their orders.?

Hello all,

We are looking at offering our customers the ability to create their own order entry for their orders, via some web form or other solution?
I was wandering if anyone uses this process to allow their customers to enter their own orders remotely?
If so what solutions you are using? Ease of use? How secure ?

Thank you


We can develop web or mobile application using Epicor API’s, Security matrix needs to be designed for same.

powerapps if your on office 365. we have for quotes/po receipts and approval.

You can create an Epicor Function now that would accept data in any format of your choosing… Then you can call that Epicor Function with Rest Services… the idea behind creating the function is that you can simplify the data that needs to be supplied to Rest, and you can build up all the other data. In our little function, we chose to create a JSON formatted record that contained minimal order header info (PO, CustomerID, ShipVIa), and minimal Line Item detail (Part#, Qty, Date). The function would validate all the data and fill in all the other required information before submitting the order. the function returned the order number and value back via REST.
With this approach, you could literally call Rest from anyplace you wish.

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Epicor Epicor has a product that can do this ECC

Also you can write your own

There are some other commercial offerings too

we use a rather complex Service Connect workflow, simply dumping a CSV out of Woo into a ftp folder and using a server task to fetch it.

I inherited this and it’s a royal pain… If I did it again I’d probably use API calls or a directive with some C#, and that’s just because I haven’t had a chance to try Functions yet.

You can build a website for customer to login and making order. After that you proceed the orders to Epicor by Service Connect/ or Rest API. Or another way you can export the data to excel, and use DMT to import the order by schedule. ECC is a option but I don’t know its cost.