Viewing Documents In Kinetic Cloud Broswer (NOT DOWNLOAD)

Is that what they did?

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Ah, so you’re saying that’s one way to do it, not necessarily what they did, right?

I have no idea what they did. This is something we looked at as a workaround when the browser wasn’t returning File Attachments.

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It sounds like they launched a URL using an out of the box tool in app studio and since they are on prem they could do this relatively simply, but to your point, what user is accessing the URL, the app service user or the user themselves? Not sure.

In the browser, I THINK it’s an http link, so it would be the browser. When using the Edge Client, it acts as a web server on your local machine and then goes and retrieves the file on your behalf, and returns it to the browser.

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Thanks Mark so yeah security is still a concern there, but if they only have read rights I suppose it’s fine. Thanks for the discussion!

Eh, there’s always customer IP if you have their drawings attached… Exfiltration only needs read rights afterall.

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I’ll try to get some more information for you all tomorrow. It was a very simple operation, simply pulling the existing location of the file doc, and using Epicor’s Open URL format.

All of our MOMs are uploaded with the file location of the current/used Plant Print via the DMT tool. This is what is showing up in the Document Row, so it’s easy to pull as we have specifically uploaded it with each MOM in the system.


Joe - Thanks! It’d be great to see screenshots of how you did it. We can all use that functionality as we migrate production to the Kinetic UI.

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@klincecum @askulte @utaylor @josephp

I was able to achieve this functionality by adding a pdf viewer component to the Drawing Entry attachment slide out and making the filename column linkable on the grid.


Behind the scenes when you click on the filename, I called the DownloadFile function of the Ice.BO.AttachmentSvc REST service passing the xFileRefNum for the method parameter.

After that, all I did was set the base64Src property of the PDF viewer component ID to actionResult.returnObj.

A lot of credit goes to @utaylor . I was able to piece this together from multiple posts he has on this site. This truly is a great community and I appreciate all the input from various experts on this site.