Version Mismatch on Terminal Services server to SQL server

We have our Epicor application sitting on it’s own SQL server. In addition we have a terminal services server for our handheld shipping devices to connect through. We had upgraded E10 to E10.1 and have done some patch upgrades as well (I think currently at 10.1.400.19). How are these updates pushed to the terminal server?

When we try to log into Epicor on the terminal services server - we get a version mismatch error between client (10.1.400.8) and server (10.1.400.19). I don’t recall ever having to do anything to it before.

Right-click on your Epicor shortcut on your terminal server and select properties. On the target line, you do see a -skip or /skip? If so, remove that, apply your changes, and try to launch your shortcut again. Does an autoupdate trigger?

The -skip is not there . That’s why I don’t understand why it’s not updating…

In your terminal server open the sysconfig file and change the version number to then launch Epicor, this should trigger a Re-Update of the Client. If like @aidacra says you don’t have /skip on your shortcut.

I changed there to but got same result…I noticed there is another spot further down…does this need to be changed as well?

When you changed it to and ran the client it didn’t do an update?

It did not - came up with same error…but further down in the config sys file there is a section that has the following:

Would this need to be changed as well?

The screen shot didn’t come through…

Screenshot didn’t make it through, but you could try this:

  1. On your RDS server, right-click on your Epicor shortcut and select Open File Location.
  2. Open your Config Folder.
  3. Open the appserver .sysconfig file in a text editor.
  4. Search for deploymentserver.
  5. Close the .sysconfig file.
  6. In another Windows Explorer, navigate to the [deploymentserver]\client\config.
  7. Copy the .sysconfig file with the same name as step 3 and overwrite the one in the RDS server’s client folder
  8. Open the newly copied .sysconfig file that is on your RDS server with a text editor.
  9. Search for customization name and remove the reference to the latest patch.



10. Save your changes.
11. Launch your client shortcut on the RDS server and hopefully the autoupdate triggers successfully.

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If that latest recommendation doesn’t work, I would recommend calling into Epicor Support and we’ll be able to get to the bottom of this in short order.


I think this may have been the problem…I copied the entire folder from a working client to the TermSrvr folder.

Then when connecting handhelds - after configuring and saving to a renamed config.sys (ie E10TEST-HH01.sysconfig) - copied this sysconifg to the appserver deployment config folder…(it didn’t need to be an exact copy but did need one with the same name it appears.